how to get printer information like printer name,IP and location using c-sharp??

Skinder, you can use WMI to query printer information (Win32_Printer). Below is some sample code that I wrote a while ago, this will retrieve every printer mapped to your computer and give you all available details about it. Create a windows form application and add a Button and TreeView and paste the code below. I just tested it out and it works, let me know if you have any problems. Good luck and hope this helps.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Management;

namespace PrinterQuery
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TreeNode ParentNode, Node;            
                ManagementClass Class = new ManagementClass("\\\\\\root\\CIMV2:Win32_Printer");
                Class.Options.UseAmendedQualifiers = true;
                Class.Options.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 3, 0);
                PropertyDataCollection Properties = Class.Properties;          

                if (Class.Properties.Count > 0)
                    foreach (ManagementObject Result in Class.GetInstances())
                        ParentNode = WMIPropertyTV.Nodes.Add(Result.Properties["Name"].Value.ToString());

                        foreach (PropertyData Property in Result.Properties)
                            Node = ParentNode.Nodes.Add(Property.Name);
                            if (Result.GetPropertyValue(Property.Name) != null)
                                if (Result.GetPropertyValue(Property.Name).GetType().IsArray)
                                AddADTreeArrayValues(Node, new ResultProperty(Result.GetPropertyValue(Property.Name)));
                               else Node.Nodes.Add(GetMOString(new ResultProperty(Property.Name), Result));
                            else Node.Nodes.Add("Null");
        private string GetMOString(ResultProperty Property, ManagementObject Result)
          return Result.GetPropertyValue(Property.String) != null ? Result.GetPropertyValue(Property.String).ToString() : "Null";
        private void AddADTreeArrayValues(TreeNode ParentNode, ResultProperty Property) //Some WMI attributes are returned as arrays.
            TreeNode ArrayIDNode;

            if (Property.Type == typeof(string[]))
                ArrayIDNode = ParentNode.Nodes.Add("System.String[" + Property.StringArray.Length.ToString() + "]");
                foreach (string s in Property.StringArray)
                    if (s.GetType().IsArray) AddADTreeArrayValues(ArrayIDNode, new ResultProperty(s));
                    else ArrayIDNode.Nodes.Add(s);
            else if (Property.Type == typeof(byte[]))
                ArrayIDNode = ParentNode.Nodes.Add("System.Byte[" + Property.ByteArray.Length.ToString() + "]");
                foreach (byte b in Property.ByteArray)
                    if (b.GetType().IsArray) AddADTreeArrayValues(ArrayIDNode, new ResultProperty(b));
                    else ArrayIDNode.Nodes.Add(b.ToString());
            else if (Property.Type == typeof(int[]))
                ArrayIDNode = ParentNode.Nodes.Add("System.Int[" + Property.INTArray.Length.ToString() + "]");
                foreach (int i in Property.INTArray)
                    if (i.GetType().IsArray) AddADTreeArrayValues(ArrayIDNode, new ResultProperty(i));
                    else ArrayIDNode.Nodes.Add(i.ToString());
            else if (Property.Type == typeof(ushort[]))
              ArrayIDNode = ParentNode.Nodes.Add("System.UInt16[" + Property.UShortArray.Length.ToString() + "]");
                foreach (ushort u in Property.UShortArray)
                    if (u.GetType().IsArray) AddADTreeArrayValues(ArrayIDNode, new ResultProperty(u));
                    else ArrayIDNode.Nodes.Add(u.ToString());
            else if (Property.Type == typeof(object[]))
                ArrayIDNode = ParentNode.Nodes.Add("System.Object[" + Property.ObjectArray.Length.ToString() + "]");
                foreach (object o in Property.ObjectArray)
                    if (o.GetType().IsArray) AddADTreeArrayValues(ArrayIDNode, new ResultProperty(o));
                    else ArrayIDNode.Nodes.Add(o.ToString());
    struct ResultProperty
        object _Value;
        bool _IsArray;
        string[] _StringArray;
        object[] _ObjectArray;
        byte[] _ByteArray;
        int[] _IntArray;
        ushort[] _UShortArray;
        Type _T;

        public ResultProperty(object Value)
            _Value = Value;
            _IsArray = Value.GetType().IsArray;
            _T = Value.GetType();
            _StringArray = null;
            _ObjectArray = null;
            _ByteArray = null;
            _IntArray = null;
            _UShortArray = null;

        public string String { get { return GetString(); } }
        public int INT { get { return GetInt(); } }
        public Int64 INT64 { get { return GetInt64(); } }
        public DateTime Date { get { return GetDate(); } }
        public object Value { get { return _Value; } }
        public bool IsArray { get { return _IsArray; } }
        public string[] StringArray { get { return ToStringArray(); } }
        public byte[] ByteArray { get { return ToByteArray(); } }
        public int[] INTArray { get { return ToIntArray(); } }
        public ushort[] UShortArray { get { return ToUShortArray(); } }
        public object[] ObjectArray { get { return ToObjectArray(); } }
        public Type Type { get { return GetTypeOf(); } }

        private Type GetTypeOf()
            try { return _T; }
            catch { throw new Exception("Unable to retrieve T type"); }
        private string GetString()
            try { return Convert.ToString(_Value); }
            catch { return null; }
        private DateTime GetDate()
            try { return Convert.ToDateTime(_Value); }
            catch { return new DateTime(); }
        private Int64 GetInt64()
            try { return Convert.ToInt64(_Value); }
            catch { return Int64.MinValue; }
        private int GetInt()
            try { return Convert.ToInt32(_Value); }
            catch { return int.MinValue; }
        private int GetInt(object value)
            try { return Convert.ToInt32(value); }
            catch { return int.MinValue; }
        private UInt16 GetUInt16()
            try { return Convert.ToUInt16(_Value); }
            catch { return ushort.MinValue; }
        private ushort GetUInt16(object value)
            try { return Convert.ToUInt16(value); }
            catch { return ushort.MinValue; }
        private byte[] ToByteArray()
            if (!(_IsArray && Value.GetType() == typeof(byte[]))) return null;

                byte[] barray = (byte[])Value;
                List<byte> bytearray = new List<byte>();
                foreach (byte b in barray) bytearray.Add(b);

                return _ByteArray = bytearray.ToArray();
                return null;
        private int[] ToIntArray()
            if (!_IsArray) return null;

                int[] iarray = (int[])Value;
                List<int> intarray = new List<int>();
                foreach (int i in iarray) intarray.Add(GetInt(i));

                return _IntArray = intarray.ToArray();
                return null;
        private object[] ToObjectArray()
            if (!_IsArray) return new object[] { _Value };

                object[] objectarray = (object[])_Value;
                List<object> oarray = new List<object>();
                foreach (object o in objectarray) oarray.Add(o != null ? o.ToString() : "");

                return _ObjectArray = oarray.ToArray();
                return null;
        private ushort[] ToUShortArray()
            if (!_IsArray) return null;

                ushort[] UShortArray = (ushort[])Value;
                List<ushort> uarray = new List<ushort>();
                foreach (ushort u in UShortArray) uarray.Add(GetUInt16(u));

                return _UShortArray = uarray.ToArray();
                return null;

        private string[] ToStringArray()

            if (_StringArray != null) return _StringArray;

            if (!(_IsArray && (Value.GetType() == typeof(string[]) || Value.GetType() == typeof(object[])))) return new string[] { Value.ToString() };

                object[] oarray = (object[])Value;
                List<string> outarray = new List<string>();
                foreach (object obj in oarray) outarray.Add(obj != null ? obj.ToString() : "");

                return _StringArray = outarray.ToArray();
                return null;
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