Hope the new year is going well for all.

I have a 200 pound (GBP Sterling) budjet for C# books. My C# knowledge is good enough already that I can code apps, but I need more knowledge on doing things like:

- Databases (MS Access atm ... but also using flat files)
- Multi Threaded Applications

Basically the stuff that's not really discussed in the beginners books. The book I have atm is the C# 2008 by Worx. It don't really go into detail to much.

Most if not all my apps with deal with data mining, Internet apps. I'm an SEO Expert and develop apps for boosting SERP's, page ranks etc.

Anyone able to recommend some good books on Amazon? I'm getting very comfortable with C#, much so that I've knocked Java and C++ development on the head and want to spend some months with C# and .NET.

Btw, I'm beyond beginner level now. I need books that are a little advanced and discuss the above topics and more.

Thanks for any advice.

So you say you are a Search Engine Optimization Expert. Come on man, you must be joking! You are the expert and you don't can even do a simple search on amazon, or am I wrong?

commented: agreed +6

So you say you are a Search Engine Optimization Expert. Come on man, you must be joking! You are the expert and you don't can even do a simple search on amazon, or am I wrong?

The reason I asked is because there are a lot of experts on here that have probably read through some of the good books and can recommend a few. I go with reviews. I'm that sort of person. A Google search would yeild a number of results, but does that make the book a recommended read?

Oh and before you say it, yes Amazon have reviews. The average Joe may write a good review, but the advanced user might say "Go for this book, it's better than that".

And to provide a better example, if one was learning C, and they did a Google search, they would get many books and may purchase "C in 24 Hours", where as I would (and probably others) recommend the K&R book.

Please don't try to insult me by assuming you know who I am or what I do.

It was absolutilly not my intention to insult you! I even gave you rep some day before! Let's say I don't like words like expert or manager, director and that.;)
If I were you I would go for this one: http://www.amazon.com/Pro-2010-NET-Platform-Fifth/dp/1430225491/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1262363247&sr=1-12
Read parts of the 2008 edition and it doesn't spend tens of pages on an explantion of the if-statement. If I can remember: about one half of a page over a total of 1300 or so.

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