Dear All,
I have a bill to be printed on a size of 8.5 by 5.5. So I have set the both the left margin and right margin to 0 using the Design option followed by Page Setup. Then even in my code I have put this settings as below in my code too. The problem is that is appears fine in my crystal report preview but when it gets printed on the paper I have a left margin of 2 cm and with this all my contents does get to be viewed properly. So is there any solution to this. Just to add on I have set this paper size as a custom paper size and even there I did not set any margin left it all to 0.
PageMargins margins;
margins = myReport.PrintOptions.PageMargins;
margins.bottomMargin = 0;
margins.leftMargin = 0;
margins.rightMargin = 0;
margins.topMargin = 0;