please how do i create a login page using gui in java?And also how do i make the login page move to the next java page when the password is correct?

if you doing web please post this on jsp thraed...

otherwise try jframebuilder.exe...

please how do i create a login page using gui in java?And also how do i make the login page move to the next java page when the password is correct?

Create a JFrame with textfields for username and password. Check the API there is a class for passwords (JPasswordField I think)
Use the getText methods to get the inputs, For the JPasswordField read the API.

Then have a method that takes as arguments the username and password and returns true or false. Call that. If it returns true, instatiate a new JFrame that represents the page you want to redirect. Make that visible and the login page non-visible (use method setVisible(false))


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