i have this assignment and i would like some help with it please. It is my first assignment ever in c++ and it is my first go at writing code for it. Ill post the question and my code so far if anyone could help me get the code correct and working would be really great.
Your program should operate continuously with a list of drinks and their costs displayed on screen. there should also be a "shutdown" option with a password for a service person to come and re-stock the machine.
Once a user has selected their drink the system should allow them to enter the amount of money they are inserting into the machine. The program should then calculate the amount of change to be returned and subtract one from the number of the drink in the machine. If the user selects a drink which has sold out an appropriate message should be displayed. Some input validation should be carried out on the amount eg. no negative values and no amount larger than $10.
When the "Shutdown" option is chosen the system should report total turnover and number of each drink left in the machine. After a suitable input from the service person the system should then reset the number of drinks back to the initial values and resume normal operation.
Arrays must be used and an expected looping menu-structure.
the drinks are:
coca cola...$1.50....30 (in machine)
ginger beer...$1.90.....30
And this is what i have done so far. It's all mixed up but please forgive me as its my first go. Please help me if you can?
#include <iostream>using namespace std; int main (){ const int SIZE = 6; //Array size char DrinkChoice[SIZE] = { "Coca Cola", "Sprite", "Fanta", "Ginger Beer", "Powerade", "Shutdown"}; //Drink Names int NumberDrinks[SIZE] = { "30", "30", "30", "30", "20" }; //Number of drinks..other array value are 0. double DrinksCost[SIZE] = { "1.50", "1.60", "1.70", "1.90", "3.50" }; //Cost of drink..other array value is 0. TotalMoney = 0.0; //money count int password = 123 do { //show user the drink machine menu cout << "Select choice of Drink" << endl; cout << --"Drink Machine Menu"-- << endl; cout << --"1. Coca Cola"-- << endl; cout << --"2. Sprite"-- << endl; cout << --"3. Fanta"-- << endl; cout << --"4. Ginger Beer"-- << endl; cout << --"5. Powerade"-- << endl; cout << --"6. Shutdown"-- << endl; //get user response cin >> UserChoice cout << DrinksCost cin >> UserPayment cout << UserChange (UserChange = UserPayment - DrinksCost) ( TotalMoney++; ) if (UserPayment <0, >10) cout << "This is an error payment.\n" cout >> "Please enter payment correctly.\n" ( NumberDrinks - 1 ) if (NumberDrinks = 0) cout << "This drink is sold out.\n" cout << "Please pick another.\n" } until "shutdown" cout << "password:" cin >> UserPassword if (UserPassword <3, >3) cout << "access denied.\n" cout << TurnoverReport (TurnoverReport = TotalMoney) cout << NumberDrinks cin >> "ResetMachine" //show user the drink machine menu cout << "Select choice of Drink" << endl; cout << --"Drink Machine Menu"-- << endl; cout << --"1. Coca Cola"-- << endl; cout << --"2. Sprite"-- << endl; cout << --"3. Fanta"-- << endl; cout << --"4. Ginger Beer"-- << endl; cout << --"5. Powerade"-- << endl; cout << --"6. Shutdown"-- << endl; system [pause];return 0; }#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
const int SIZE = 6; //Array size
char DrinkChoice[SIZE] = { "Coca Cola", "Sprite", "Fanta", "Ginger Beer", "Powerade", "Shutdown"}; //Drink Names
int NumberDrinks[SIZE] = { "30", "30", "30", "30", "20" }; //Number of drinks..other array value are 0.
double DrinksCost[SIZE] = { "1.50", "1.60", "1.70", "1.90", "3.50" }; //Cost of drink..other array value is 0.
TotalMoney = 0.0; //money count
int password = 123
do {
//show user the drink machine menu
cout << "Select choice of Drink" << endl;
cout << --"Drink Machine Menu"-- << endl;
cout << --"1. Coca Cola"-- << endl;
cout << --"2. Sprite"-- << endl;
cout << --"3. Fanta"-- << endl;
cout << --"4. Ginger Beer"-- << endl;
cout << --"5. Powerade"-- << endl;
cout << --"6. Shutdown"-- << endl;
//get user response
cin >> UserChoice
cout << DrinksCost
cin >> UserPayment
cout << UserChange
(UserChange = UserPayment - DrinksCost)
( TotalMoney++; )
if (UserPayment <0, >10)
cout << "This is an error payment.\n"
cout >> "Please enter payment correctly.\n"
( NumberDrinks - 1 )
if (NumberDrinks = 0)
cout << "This drink is sold out.\n"
cout << "Please pick another.\n"
} until "shutdown"
cout << "password:"
cin >> UserPassword
if (UserPassword <3, >3)
cout << "access denied.\n"
cout << TurnoverReport
(TurnoverReport = TotalMoney)
cout << NumberDrinks
cin >> "ResetMachine"
//show user the drink machine menu
cout << "Select choice of Drink" << endl;
cout << --"Drink Machine Menu"-- << endl;
cout << --"1. Coca Cola"-- << endl;
cout << --"2. Sprite"-- << endl;
cout << --"3. Fanta"-- << endl;
cout << --"4. Ginger Beer"-- << endl;
cout << --"5. Powerade"-- << endl;
cout << --"6. Shutdown"-- << endl;
system [pause];
return 0;