Hi there! First off I´m new here, so, I'd say HELLO EVERYONE an thanks for years helping. I have the following problem: I need create a installation of a C# app that uses a SQL SERVER 2008. I am using INNO Installer because I thought it could be the best choice, but I have not clue how to install SQL SERVER 2008 and several databases (.mdf, .ldf or .bak) it should be installed in the local machine. So my task is, having the C# app and the SQL SERVER 2008 engine + tools in my computer, distribute it to my clients, in a unattended manner. Because for the final user, will be trasparent (s)he is using a database. I´m sure it is able, actually I install the C# app, and the SQL SERVER engine(downloaded SQLEXP32_x86_ENY.exe), but whant about the databases?that is my problem, as well as, a correct configuration of SQL SERVER, because as you probably know, is no so trivial make it work properly (Access control problems, Administrator Rights, and so on....) For example in order to install SQL SERVER I do it in console mode, as microsoft bless, doing : SQLEXP32_x86_ENY.exe /ACTION=install /FEATURES=SQL,Tools /INSTANCENAME=SQLExpress /SECURITYMODE=SQL /SAPWD=**** /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="Builtin\Administrators" \ENABLERANU /SQLSVCACCOUNT="<DomainName\UserName>" /SQLSVCPASSWORD="<StrongPassword>" What should I write in /SQLSVACCOUNT /SQLSVCPASSWORD, for example? What should I do to import my existing databases I provide?Lately people use to use SLQDMO CMO object, but is not longer support (I read).... How do you do that?hahaha that's the question, at least dome tips could be useful. My client needs a database locally, but at the beginning they need to have created some databases as well as some initial data in. Thanks in advance!!!

This topic was covered extensively in another thread:

Please refer to that thread and post back here if you have any more questions.

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