
Alright, I am working a program in C++ (obviously ;P).

I have been working on this game a very long time and took a break from it. I actually forgot how this line works:

vector<string> sWords(1);

int a = 0;

ifstream myfile("words.txt");

	if(!myfile) {
		cout << "Error opening words.txt\n";

	while(!myfile.eof()) {
		[B]getline(myfile,sWords[a],' ');[/B]

So what that does is that it reads words.txt and puts every word into a vector (the words are separated with a space). But I have completely forgotten how the bold text works...

I have found a lot of information of getline with google but I can't get a good explanation of how this works. I mean, it finds the spaces between the words and puts them into a vector?

getline() will return the entire line up to the '\n' character. That is not what you want. And the loop is wrong.

while( myfile >> words[a] )

[edit]Well, the above is incorrect too because you are storing the words in a vector. Vectors do not auto expand when using indices as you posted so you need to use push_back() method to get that behavior.

std::vector< std::string > sWords;
std::string oneWord;
while( myfile >> oneWord )

getline() will return the entire line up to the '\n' character. That is not what you want. And the loop is wrong.

while( myfile >> words[a] )

[edit]Well, the above is incorrect too because you are storing the words in a vector. Vectors do not auto expand when using indices as you posted so you need to use push_back() method to get that behavior.

std::vector< std::string > sWords;
std::string oneWord;
while( myfile >> oneWord )

I wouldn't say it's wrong because it works ;)

I'll look up push_back() though

The third parameter is the delimiter character (when omitted, the delimiter is the newline character). So getline stops reading on a space (which it discards). Or, in a loop, tokens (word) are space-delimited.

Avoid Loop Control Using eof()

I'll be sure to read through that later, right now I have other things to do. Seems like a lot of good reading.

Thanks for helping!

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