I want to make a database window application using Visual Studio 2008(with C#) which is basically a search engine for searching images(of size 25 KB to 95 KB) .
I want to sell my application in CD\DVD in such a way that it should run directly from CD\DVD. As I do not want the database of my application to rest on client system .
Can anyone tell me which database I should use in my application ?


I think the best choice to pick is MS SqlServer, because its fully compatible with .netframework, and due to the easy deployment.

About the live running actually I don't have any clue about it, but you could google for how to run .net application without setup!!!!!

I hope I benefited you.



I think the best choice to pick is MS SqlServer, because its fully compatible with .netframework, and due to the easy deployment.


But I think that if I will use MS SQL Server ,then to run my application the client computer should have SQL server installed.
Is it required or not?

And is it possible to redistribute SQL in CD along with my application?

If you plan on distributing an application but want to keep a centralized database, you would not want the clients to connect directly to that database. Host your database and get a web site, then look into web services where the client applications request information and your web service delivers the data. The implementation details regarding where and how your data is stored is not something the client application needs to know or care about.

If you plan on distributing an application but want to keep a centralized database, you would not want the clients to connect directly to that database. Host your database and get a web site, then look into web services where the client applications request information and your web service delivers the data. The implementation details regarding where and how your data is stored is not something the client application needs to know or care about.

I am making window application,not the web application

You should use MS SQL Server Compact Edition. This server does not run as a window service so deployment is very easy. You can use XCOPY based deployment also with it.

You should use MS SQL Server Compact Edition. This server does not run as a window service so deployment is very easy. You can use XCOPY based deployment also with it.

Can I give MS SQL Server Compact Edition to users in CD ?
And how?

Yes, it is just a file. You can copy it with other project files in a CD. The extension of this databse is .sdf.
You can create it by using Visual Studio SP1 by selecting Create > New Local Database.

Yes, it is just a file. You can copy it with other project files in a CD. The extension of this databse is .sdf.
You can create it by using Visual Studio SP1 by selecting Create > New Local Database.

Will it require any license pricing?

For SQL Server Compact, I have following queries:

1.Is it necessary to install SQL Server on client system?
2.How much space does SQL Server Compact take on Disk?
3. When I include SQL Server Compact in my application,then how much file size is increased?
4.If I use SQL Server Compact,then is it possible to run my application directly from CD using ThinApp as suggested by MxDev?
5.From where I can get SQL Server Compact and related dlls and files ?

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