Hi, I'm a long time python programmer and just began programming in Lua(I might like it better than python). How might I began to program a text adventure/IF in Lua? Any tips, Pointers? I have a basic knowledge of Lua and have began to read this great e-book called "Programming in Lua" by Roberto Lerusalimschy.

Any good lua text adventure tutorials on the world wide web?

much appreciated,

Python User

> How might I began to program a text adventure/IF in Lua?
The same way you would in any other programming language.

There is so much more to writing a program than just figuring out the syntax of your current implementation language.

There is no more a "how to write an adventure game" than there are "how to write a mobile phone" or "write an air traffic control system". At the fundamental level, they're all the same (except for the size of the problem).

First you figure out "what" you want.
Then you figure out "how" you're going to do it (in several iterations usually, getting more detailed each time).
Then you can start writing some code.

Once you've actually figured out the "how to program" step, then the problem and implementation are details.

Think "learning to drive". You only do this once.
Then "go fast, drive Ferrari" is one problem and implementation
and "move stuff, drive van" is another.
Sure there are a few details, and a bit of practice, but the basics should be there for either (or other) case.

> How might I began to program a text adventure/IF in Lua?
The same way you would in any other programming language.

There is so much more to writing a program than just figuring out the syntax of your current implementation language.

There is no more a "how to write an adventure game" than there are "how to write a mobile phone" or "write an air traffic control system". At the fundamental level, they're all the same (except for the size of the problem).

First you figure out "what" you want.
Then you figure out "how" you're going to do it (in several iterations usually, getting more detailed each time).
Then you can start writing some code.

Once you've actually figured out the "how to program" step, then the problem and implementation are details.

Think "learning to drive". You only do this once.
Then "go fast, drive Ferrari" is one problem and implementation
and "move stuff, drive van" is another.
Sure there are a few details, and a bit of practice, but the basics should be there for either (or other) case.

Thanks. I'll take that into consideration when i make my IF game. :)

You might find interesting source code samples from the book "Programming AI by Example" from Matt Buckland.

Check out the Lua projects. Do not copy paste. Much of that code is educational and a graphic adventure probably requires a pretty good design to avoid spaguetti patterns.

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