hello please help me on this. i have cmdadd_click()..when i click the button add,the data will display on the flexgrid at the sametime it write on the notepad..my problem is that i don't know how to make code on cmddelete_click().i want to delete the data i added on the notepad or one record of person.can you please help me on this hoping for your positive responds...this is sequential..here is my code..
Private Sub cmdadd_Click()
If Trim(txtLname.Text) < "A" Then
MsgBox "Invalid , in your last name"
txtLname.SelStart = 0
txtLname.SelLength = Len(txtLname.Text)
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(txtFname.Text) < "A" Then
MsgBox "invalid, in the firstname"
txtFname.SelStart = 0
txtFname.SelLength = Len(txtFname.Text)
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(txtMname.Text) < "A" Then
MsgBox "Invalid,middle name"
txtMname.SelStart = 0
txtMname.SelLength = Len(txtMname.Text)
Exit Sub
ElseIf Len(Trim(txtMname.Text)) <> 1 Then
MsgBox "Middle inital only"
txtMname.SelStart = 0
txtMname.SelLength = Len(txtMname.Text)
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(txtMname.Text) = "" Then
MsgBox "you have not inputed Middle name", vbInformation
txtMname.SelStart = 0
txtMname.SelLength = Len(txtMname.Text)
Exit Sub
End If
If (txtaddres.Text) = "" Then
MsgBox "you have not inputed Addres", vbInformation
txtaddres.SelStart = 0
txtaddres.SelLength = Len(txtaddres.Text)
Exit Sub
End If
If (Val(txtAge.Text)) <= 0 Then
MsgBox "that is not an age", vbCritical
txtAge.SelStart = 0
txtAge.SelLength = Len(txtAge.Text)
Exit Sub
ElseIf (Val(txtAge.Text)) < 18 Or (Val(txtAge.Text)) > 90 Then
MsgBox "Invalid input Your not qualified voter", vbCritical
txtAge.SelStart = 0
txtAge.SelLength = Len(txtAge.Text)
Exit Sub
End If
pn = Trim(txtc.Text) + "-" + Trim(txtPn.Text)
adress = Trim(Me.lbladdress.Caption)
vidno = Trim(lblvidno.Caption)
last = Trim(txtLname.Text)
first = Trim(txtFname.Text)
middle = Trim(Me.txtMname)
address = Trim(Me.txtaddres)
age = Val(txtAge.Text)
grd.TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 0) = vidno
grd.TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 1) = pn
grd.TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 2) = last
grd.TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 3) = first
grd.TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 4) = middle
grd.TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 5) = address
grd.TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 6) = age
grd.Rows = grd.Rows + 1
gFnum = FreeFile
Open "D:\voters.dat" For Append As #gFnum
Write #gFnum, pn, adress, vidno, last, first, middle, address, age
Close #gFnum
vlno = vlno + 1
gFnum1 = FreeFile
Open "D:\votersid.dat" For Output As #gFnum1
Write #gFnum1, vlno
Close #gFnum1
lblvidno = lblvidno + 1
lblvidno.Caption = Format(lblvidno, "0000")
End Sub
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
gFnum1 = FreeFile
Open "D:\votersid.dat" For Input As #gFnum1
Input #gFnum1, vlno
lblvidno = 1
lblvidno.Caption = Format(vlno, "0000")
Close #gFnum1
End Sub
Public Sub generator()
N = Int(Rnd(1) * 10)
If N = 1 Or N = 2 Then
txtc.Text = "A"
txtPn.Text = "342"
lbladdress = "Singapore"
Exit Sub
ElseIf N = 3 Or N = 4 Then
txtc.Text = "B"
txtPn.Text = "256"
lbladdress = "China"
Exit Sub
ElseIf N = 5 Or N = 6 Then
txtc.Text = "C"
txtPn.Text = "245"
lbladdress = "United States"
Exit Sub
ElseIf N = 7 Or N = 8 Then
txtc.Text = "D"
txtPn.Text = "314"
lbladdress = "California"
Exit Sub
txtc.Text = "E"
txtPn.Text = "344"
lbladdress = "Korea"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Public Sub voter()
lblvidno = 1
lblvidno.Caption = Format(lblvidno, "0000")
End Sub
Public Sub delete()
Me.txtLname = ""
Me.txtFname = ""
Me.txtMname = ""
Me.txtaddres = ""
Me.txtAge = ""
End Sub