I having a little trouble to figure out how can I replace the specific lines in a text file by the lines from another text file marching certain pattern. !?!? For example:
I have two files: file1 and file2 , I want to search lines of the first file for specific keywords and then take this lines of the text and replace it in another text file which having a same keywords.
keyword = [word1,word2,wor3,word4]
file1=open("file1.txt", 'r').read()
file2=open("file2.txt", 'r+w').read()
for i in keyword:
for line in file1:
if i in line:
# do replace the lines in file2 marching keyword ?
'''and here I am stuck.... How can I search for lines
in second file and then replace this lines by another ones from first file1?'''