I use MS VC++6 and when I type code I have problem...let's say I have 123456789 typed and I place cursor between 4 and 5 and than type "something" I get 1234something and not 1234something56789

so it deletes and wont shift right :S

also enter doesnt brake new line,space,backspace....

I guess its some editor setting I need to tweak?

Also I want to ask what is the command to see some variable in focus,her classes hierarchy and so...select object and then see hierarchy and types of parameters for functions....? what is the command?

I use MS VC++6 and when I type code I have problem...let's say I have 123456789 typed and I place cursor between 4 and 5 and than type "something" I get 1234something and not 1234something56789

Sounds like you're in overwrite mode instead of insert mode, hit your [insert] key. The cursor should change to show that it registered the strike.

The rest of what you want sounds like debugger functionality, but given that I'm not familiar with the version you're using, I have no better idea(s).

Ok,first question solved! Thank you!

For second q Id like to know that "focus" for VC++6,VC++2008,and devCpp?

I use MS VC++6 and when I type code I have problem...let's say I have 123456789 typed and I place cursor between 4 and 5 and than type "something" I get 1234something and not 1234something56789

so it deletes and wont shift right :S

also enter doesnt brake new line,space,backspace....

I guess its some editor setting I need to tweak?

I agree, this is probably one of the stupidest questions asked here !!!

For second q Id like to know that "focus" for VC++6,VC++2008,and devCpp?

This question could be worded better. If you're asking what the "focus" is, it's the blinking line that shows where your next typed character will be.

This question could be worded better. If you're asking what the "focus" is, it's the blinking line that shows where your next typed character will be.

what I mean is when you select some object in code it pops up little yellow window and shows you classes above that object,or args and types if you select some function...

in VCpp6,VC++2008 and dev,what is the command to do this?

is it now more clear?

Just hover your mouse over the function.

In VS it's called "IntelliSense" and it should be on by default. As long as you are creating valid objects and using correct sytnax, it should function properly. It does NOT check your intent, but it can help your check your syntax. You can still create something that is syntactically correct,

In Dev-C++ it has a very weak version called "code complete", but I've never had much luck with it. You have to turn it on and set a delay timer before it suggests. Half the time it doesn't even detect your context until it's too late to be useful. Plus, whenever I've tried to use it Dev crashes. It's very poorly written, don't even bother.


Thank you all,thread solved!

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