I have compiled a GCC plugin successfully, but I get error when linking:
$ make
/opt/imo/bin/g++ -g -fplugin=../libimo/libimo.so -o test main.cpp
cc1plus: error: Cannot load plugin ../libimo/libimo.so
../libimo/libimo.so: undefined symbol: _ZN11NodeFactory10CreateNodeEN4BEEV4KindERKNS0_7ASTNodeES4_RKSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EE
make: *** [default] Error 1
I know that the plugin works fine for other Ubuntu users, so I don't understand what could be the cause of this error on my system. I read on the Internet that "undefined symbol" error means that the linker can not find the line where a specific object was defined in the code.
Is there a way to trace down where the error starts from? Something like a logfile or a backtrace for linker errors?