Hello guys..

Please help me on this..

I downloaded this file:


Then I decompiled it using Form Extractor Software..

But VB6 is the only programming language I know..

How can I convert Delphi to VB6? :(

I'm betting if you use your friends (yahoo, google, ask, answers, bing) and search for convert delphi to vb, you will find a couple of converters out there...

Good Luck

I'm betting if you use your friends (yahoo, google, ask, answers, bing) and search for convert delphi to vb, you will find a couple of converters out there...

Good Luck

i already did that..
there is a vb6 to delphi.. but no delphi to vb6.. :(


hmmm... well it seems you are right as I can no longer find what I thought I saw so long ago... Sounds like it would be a great project to undertake if you are willing to do so...

but have you tried ... http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0oGk71T639L.4EAhCVXNyoA?fr2=sg-gac&sado=1&p=vb%20form%20extractor&fr=yfp-t-701-s&pqstr=vb%20form%20ex&gprid=cK4_gv0nT_CbLE51DKNPpA&sac=1&sao=1

and that is all I will say on this subject as I know realize what you are doing and I'm not so sure it is legal.

Good Luck

Better you find on google , or you decomile it on any Delphi decomilper then make your VB proggy accordingly .

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