Does anyone have a quick and easy piece of code that I could use to point to the url location of a bunch of image files and download them to a local folder? For example, imagine I wanted to download through .../picture999onsite.jpg.

I've not had a lot of experience in C++ and would greatly appreciate any help you can provide in getting started.

Thanks so much.
- R

What operating system?
Are you required to use C++ ? I can think of a few easier ways to do this.

Not tied to C++. I know it and Java, just learning ruby. Thought it'd be an interesting thing to learn in one of those contexts, but bottom line is I do need to get the files down (too many to do manually) to my HD, so any suggestion you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

- Ron

Oh, sorry, forgot to answer your first question. I've got Windows 7 Pro. Have access to NetBeans, Aptana, or Visual Studio 2008.

Not tied to C++. I know it and Java, just learning ruby. Thought it'd be an interesting thing to learn in one of those contexts, but bottom line is I do need to get the files down (too many to do manually) to my HD, so any suggestion you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

- Ron

In that case, use wget. No programming required whatsoever.

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