I w'd like tom Download Turbo C (window version). Can any one sugget any site,

thank in advance :confused:

Tried here?

commented: That's the spirit ! +4

Previously I downloaded that ,, but it running on MS-Dos only, and also mose is not working when I tried to run on commandprompt

Any way thatk for your quick reply

Well try to look harder. Try to find previous post about this topic. here like this

Why not try something else which also supports "mouse" as you wanted:
Here is list of some free compilers and IDE which you may find really good and programmer friendly:


Hope it helped, bye.

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

Well there is Turbo C++ Explorer 2006, which is new and latest one.

But if you want older one(they do not support ANSI C++) then look for Turbo C++ 4.5. But no hopes to fine it easily. Also you could get Borland C++ 3.1(there is a window version in addition to DOS one) or 4x which is almost similer to Turbo C.

So all you could do is search with google, but with little hopes.

I w'd like tom Download Turbo C (window version). Can any one sugget any site,

thank in advance :confused:

Well I'm also learning C. I tried the Turbo thingy, but it doesn't work that well. At our institute thy use GPP compiler, but it's real troublesome. I would suggest Visual Studio C++ Express edition. Just select Win32 Console Application and keep the wizard settings as it is. Manually rename your file to *.c and then go into it's properties. Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Precompiled Headers Then change the settings to Create Precompiled Header (/Yc) And save it. In the program just include

#include "stdafx.h"

I know it may sound too much. but It works for me. Even if you don't do all this it'll still work. I mean you'll get the result. But the only problem I saw without doing all the above mentioned steps in that you get a lot of warning messages. There are also troubles using scanf fuction. so that's why.. ^^ best of luck

Yes it sounds complicated, and any stdafx.h is not a standard c header, either. What is GPP? If you mean gcc, then why it's complicated? Use command line, gcc something.c -o something.exe (in mingw and cygwin) is all you need to compile a standard c program, nothing can be any simpler. A bit more complicated when you use graphics user interface like gtk, but it's not compiling what is complicated, maybe installing the libraries may be a trouble for some, though it's simple if to know a few simple things. It's better to use free open source and standard (posix) compiler gcc, than any non-standard ones, like visual c and borland c, gcc is an extremely good compiler as well, in some ways better than visual c, and can make as fast programs, or even faster.

I would suggest Visual Studio C++ Express edition

That teaches you C++.NET not real C++

That teaches you C++.NET not real C++

Wrong. It is a c and c++ compiler too and is fairly good at conforming to c++ standards. But I don't suggest it for beginners because the IDE is a little complicated to learn to use.

Wrong. It is a c and c++ compiler too and is fairly good at conforming to c++ standards.

Not the express edition ?

Create .NET Framework applications with advanced features such as data access, networking, and built-in printing support.
Build 32-bit native code applications designed for Windows using the Windows Platform SDK.

without the platform SDK it cant make standard Win32 apps, making it .NET only.

>Not the express edition ?
The C/C++ compiler is identical in all editions.

>without the platform SDK it cant make standard Win32 apps, making it .NET only.
Well, technically Win32 applications aren't "real" C++ either. Only standard C++ is "real", and you can write both standard C (C95) and standard C++ (for the most part) with the express edition. Don't trust the propaganda, Microsoft is trying to push their .NET framework.

Not the express edition ?
without the platform SDK it cant make standard Win32 apps, making it .NET only.

win32 apps are not the same thing as standard c++ programs. The Express edition compiles C and C++ with or without the Windows Platform SDK. If you want to write win32 api programs then you are right -- you have to also download the SDK.

Okay i believe you (im a bit of a C noob)

Aww.. >< Don't ya think we are kinda moving out of the topic. LOL.. But weeeee, I was surprised at all the detailed replies, which got me hella confused. But still, I know what you mean that express editions does have a lot of limitations, but they are good for beginners who are just trying to learn.

To TkTkorrovi, Well gpp compiler is a part from djgpp, but I'm not sure. gcc is a different compiler, mostly for C++. gpp is old and has few limitations, like in the main you MUST have int as the return type irrespective of the actual return. I have no idea why, but yeah.

And I don't think it matters which compiler we use. I mean as long your getting the result, it's fine right. As, for difference between C++ or other languages to the .NET version, I don't know much about them, or what's the difference, but I guess even the old/original format of the code works, right. So what's the problem. Sorry I might be a novice, but I really don't understand why would you want to use a difficult lengthy process when you can use a small easy way. It really doesn't make much sense to me.

As for my preference for NOT liking command prompt compilers, well it's just that reading the errors and evaluating them becomes a real trouble, especially for novice or a doof head like me.. >.< kekeke.. So yeah

>like in the main you MUST have int as the return type irrespective of the actual return.
That's a language rule. The main function must return int. If you return anything else, and there's no implicit conversion, you've likely entered the realm of undefined behavior.

>And I don't think it matters which compiler we use.
As long as your compiler conforms to the standard you intend to follow, it doesn't matter.

Oh! I so didn't knew about that. So like in C programs, having "int" is a must? I mean like if we use turbo, or other compilers, I have noticed that void works good. But when we use it in GPP it gives out a lot of errors.

>>As long as your compiler conforms to the standard you intend to follow, it doesn't matter.

Yup yup totally.. as long as you get what you want.. ^^

>I have noticed that void works good.
It might work for you, but it might not work for me. That's what happens when you use non-portable features.

Oh! so basically you mean to say that it's compulsory for C programmers to use integer return type.

>so basically you mean to say that it's compulsory for C programmers to use integer return type.
Basically, yes. From main. Other functions are up to you.

>Basically, yes. From main. Other functions are up to you.
Oh! thank you, I was a bit confused about that. I'm not the type who really asks teachers these problems -_- weird ne, but that a weird complex I have. thank you.

Well, Turbo C is a very old compile which is no more support. Why dont u use some standard compile. I can understand that you on a windows environment. I would really sugguest to change compile which you trying to use to Dev-C++. It is pretty good and it good as well. With a nice IDE and stuff on top It uses Mingw port of GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) as it's compiler.

Google Dev-C++


> I have noticed that void works good.
Just so you know what undefined behaviour means.

My program works.
Your program crashes.
His hard disk has been reformatted.

The second thing you need to learn is that all compilers expand the language in many non-standard ways in order to make them seem more useful to the local environment. The real danger for newbies is associating what their current compiler will "let them get away with" as being the same as ANSI C. It isn't.
Unfortunately for you, there's a sizeable number of books and tutors out there which make a lot of similar local assumptions as well.

Getting a clean compile from several different compilers (with lots of warnings enabled) is one way of keeping you on track. A good forum (hint hint) is another way.

please tell me the required site to download turbo c

please tell me the required site to download turbo c

Why? You couldn't use it anyway because you must be blind since you didn't bother to read this thread.

Also, even although TurboC is old, it is not freeware. It is still copyrighted software.

Also, even although TurboC is old, it is not freeware. It is still copyrighted software.

According to this definition I think it could be considered freeware, as would VC++ 2005/2008 Express, Dev-C++, and Code::Blocks. Freeware doesn't mean "not copyrighted".

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