
What I'm trying to do is to write a script which would open an application only in process list. Meaning it would be "hidden". I don't even know if its possible in python.

If not, there has to be a function would allow for a program to be opened with python in a minimized state like "wsMinimized" from Delphi, something like this:

import subprocess
def startProgram():
    subrpocess.minimize(subprocess.Popen('C:\test.exe')) ???  I know this is wrong but you get the idea...

Any ideas?

Oh and the programs that i want to hide are the ones that don't have the option to be minimized into tray so that's sort of a compromise.

WAG, try to give your program a .pyw extension.

If only it was that simple...

I used this answer on another forum.

Try the following. It may not work on child windows spawned by the process.

import subprocess

info = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
info.dwFlags = 1
info.wShowWindow = 0
subprocess.Popen("notepad.exe", startupinfo=info)

It works for notepad but doesn't work for other programs for some reason

Notepad is on your PATH, inside Windows directory. For other programs to be launched, i guess you should call them with the complete path, like c:/Program\ files/Program/My_program.exe
I don't use Windows, so I'm guessing.

Notepad is on your PATH, inside Windows directory. For other programs to be launched, i guess you should call them with the complete path, like c:/Program\ files/Program/My_program.exe
I don't use Windows, so I'm guessing.

Windows is weird with backslashes (and also case insensitive)
"C:\Program Files\Program\my_program.exe"

:) Nah the problem was that the program that i was trying to hide was written in delphi and it well..
anyways i made the thing hide in c++ so it doesn't mater anymore.
thanks guys anyways.

:) Nah the problem was that the program that i was trying to hide was written in delphi and it well..
anyways i made the thing hide in c++ so it doesn't mater anymore.
thanks guys anyways.

If only the author of the Delphi program would have added a commandline arg to minimize or hide it.
There is probably something in the win32 extension package for Python to do it too.

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