i dont even know where to start in this one lol .......

write a program to calculate and print the total parking
charges for a customer at a long term parking lot. The charges are calculated according to the number of days parked at the lot. The parking charges for the first 15 days of are $10
per day. After that, the charges are $6 per day.

should i use a if statement? while loop? for loop? or does it even matter?

how do i make python calculate the dates ..heres wha i started wit and got stuck

def parking_charges(entermonth, enterday, exitmonth, exitday):
    if exitday - enterday == 15:
        print("Your Total Is $120")

now that works correctly if i put in the right date.... example:
parking_charges(10, 1, 10, 16)
but if i do anything else its wrong .. i think u have to do sumthing with entermonth and exit month to correctly calculate but i dont understand ...

my teacher is no help ... shes one of those who knows it and thinks we already know it ...but we are at entry level so we really dont know anything Lol ...please help

is there n e way to short this??

if entermonth == 1:
        day = enterday

    elif entermonth == 2:
        day = enterday + 31

    elif entermonth == 3:
        day = enterday + 59

    elif entermonth == 4:
        day = enterday + 90

    elif entermonth == 5:
        day = enterday + 120

    elif entermonth == 6:
        day = enterday + 151

    elif entermonth == 7:
        day = enterday + 181

    elif entermonth == 8:
        day = enterday + 212
    elif entermonth == 9:
        day = enterday + 243

    elif entermonth == 10:
        day = enterday + 273

    elif entermonth == 11:
        day = enterday + 304

    elif entermonth == 12:
        day = enterday + 334

        day = 365 - enterday

Calculating Exit Day

    if exitmonth == 1:
        leaveday = exitday

    elif exitmonth == 2:
        leaveday = exitday + 31

    elif exitmonth == 3:
        leaveday = exitday + 59

    elif exitmonth == 4:
        leaveday = exitday + 90

    elif exitmonth == 5:
        leaveday = exitday + 120

    elif exitmonth == 6:
        leaveday = exitday + 151

    elif exitmonth == 7:
        leaveday = exitday + 181

    elif exitmonth == 8:
        leaveday = exitday + 212

    elif exitmonth == 9:
        leaveday = exitday + 243

    elif exitmonth == 10:
        leaveday = exitday + 273

    elif exitmonth == 11:
        leaveday = exitday + 304

    elif exitmonth == 12:
        leaveday = exitday + 334

        leaveday = 365 - exitday
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