I am only showing the spaceport and fileIO. I want the first line of my txt file to show the number of spaceship to create an array then choose what type of spaceship. I did the best i can and now i am completly stuck its not working. Can Someone please help. The Instruction are:
The relationSpaceShips between the classes in this project is as follows:
(1) SpacePort has-many SpaceShip
(2) SpaceShip has-a Captain
(3) SpaceShip has-a Engine
(4) SpaceShip has-a RegistrationDate
(5) Impulse is-a Engine
(6) Warp is-a Engine
(7) SpaceShip has-many Crewman
(6) Person has-a pid (int)
(9) Person has-a DateOfBirth
(10) Captain is-a Officer
(11) Officer is-a Person
(12) DateOfBirth is-a StarDate
(13) RegistrationDate is-a StarDate
(14) StarDate has-a day (int)
(15) StarDate has-a month (int)
(16) StarDate has-a year (int)
(17) Enterprise is-a SpaceShip
(18) WarBird is-a SpaceShip
(19) RedShirt is-a Crewman
(20) Crewman is-a Person
NOTE:every object has:
private String objName, and
public String getName() {return objName;}
Create a test program that creates an SpacePort object, and prompts for
the user to enter the path of a data file. The program then reads the data from the data
file for the SpacePort.
Then, print:
1. all SpaceShip objects belonging to the SpacePort, sorted by getName(), and
2. all Person objects belonging to the SpacePort, sorted by getName()
Test your program by creating a data file and filling it in
with the data that answers the questions. Include the
data file and run.bat in the project folder.
package space_shipPKG;
import fileIOPKG.*;
import jdUtil.*;
public class SpacePort {
private SpaceShip[] ship;
private int num_ships;
public SpacePort(){
public void readFromFile(){
try {
String s = Utils.getSystemIn("Please enter the name of the file you would like. The file name is Assign02:");
FileIO fio=new FileIO(s);
throw new Exception("Dealer.readFromFile:missing numships");
int num_ships = fio.getNextInt();
ship = new SpaceShip[num_ships];
for(int i=0;i<ship.length;i++){
throw new Exception("Dealer.readFromFile:missing numships");
String cartype=fio.getNextLine();
ship[i]= new Enterprise();
ship[i]= new WarBird();
}//for each car in carrArray
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("\nin MainClass e=\n"+e.toString());
private String objName;
public String getName()
return objName;
public String toString(){
String test="??????";
return test;
package fileIOPKG;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class FileIO {
//this class acts as a static "producer" class that,after being
//initialized with a filename,
private FileReader freader;
private Scanner scan=null;
public FileIO(){
}//default constructor
public FileIO(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException{
File infile;
FileReader reader;
infile = new File(filename);
reader = new FileReader(infile);
scan = new Scanner(reader);
}//(String) constructor
public boolean hasNextInt() throws Exception{
throw new Exception("FileIO.getNextInt:file not opened");
return scan.hasNextInt();
public int getNextInt() throws Exception{
throw new Exception("FileIO.getNextInt:file not opened");
int iv=scan.nextInt();
return iv;
public boolean hasNextLine() throws Exception{
throw new Exception("FileIO.getNextInt:file not opened");
return scan.hasNextLine();
public String getNextLine() throws Exception{
throw new Exception("FileIO.getNextInt:file not opened");
String result=scan.nextLine().trim();
return result;
public boolean hasNextDouble() throws Exception{
throw new Exception("FileIO.getNextInt:file not opened");
return scan.hasNextDouble();
public double getNextDouble() throws Exception{
throw new Exception("FileIO.getNextInt:file not opened");
double dv=scan.nextDouble();
return dv;
public void close(){
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
}//class FileIO