I've searched the page but i can't find a way to mark my previous post as closed. This is slightly different so i was not sure if i should create a new post or add to my existing one. Not trying to break any rules intentionally.
in this post i've created a helper and a main class. This program can generate 5 random cards and display the results as a text screen. I've managed to get this output to appear in a Jpanel as 5 separate sub panels. Right now I have static card images in the sub panels as well so that i can keep my bearings. I still can not figure out how to link my image to my output. I'm not looking for anyone to finish my homework for me, but i am looking to see if 1) my code is correct and 2) what process do i need to code in order to make my images match my output. This isnt pretty code, but i'm still learning
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Card
//define class variables
private int face;
private int suit;
private String faceName = "Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two";
private String suitName = "Heart, Diamond, Spade, Club";
private String fullName = "King Heart, King Diamond, King Spade, King Club,Queen Heart, Queen Diamond, Queen Spade," +
"Queen Club, Jack Heart, Jack Diamond, Jack Spade, Jack Club, Ten Heart, Ten Diamond, Ten Spade, Ten Club, Nine Heart,"+
"Nine Diamond, Nine Spade, Nine Club, Eight Heart, Eight Diamond, Eight Spade, Eight Club, Seven Heart, Seven Diamond,"+
"Seven Spade, Seven Club, Six Heart, Six Diamond, Six Spade, Six Club, Five Heart, Five Diamond, Five Spade, Five Club,"+
"Four Heart, Four Diamond, Four Spade, Four Club, Three Heart, Three Diamond, Three Spade, Three Club, Two Heart,"+
"Two Diamond, Two Spade, Two Club, Ace Heart, Ace Diamond, Ace Spade, Ace Club";
ImageIcon c1icon = new ImageIcon ("clubs-2-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c2icon = new ImageIcon ("clubs-3-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c3icon = new ImageIcon ("clubs-4-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c4icon = new ImageIcon ("clubs-5-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c5icon = new ImageIcon ("clubs-6-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c6icon = new ImageIcon ("clubs-7-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c7icon = new ImageIcon ("clubs-8-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c8icon = new ImageIcon ("clubs-9-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c9icon = new ImageIcon ("clubs-10-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c10icon = new ImageIcon ("clubs-a-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c11icon = new ImageIcon ("clubs-j-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c12icon = new ImageIcon ("clubs-k-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c13icon = new ImageIcon ("clubs-q-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c14icon = new ImageIcon ("diamonds-2-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c15icon = new ImageIcon ("diamonds-3-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c16icon = new ImageIcon ("diamonds-4-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c17icon = new ImageIcon ("diamonds-5-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c18icon = new ImageIcon ("diamonds-6-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c19icon = new ImageIcon ("diamonds-7-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c20icon = new ImageIcon ("diamonds-8-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c21icon = new ImageIcon ("diamonds-9-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c22icon = new ImageIcon ("diamonds-10-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c23icon = new ImageIcon ("diamonds-a-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c24icon = new ImageIcon ("diamonds-j-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c25icon = new ImageIcon ("diamonds-k-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c26icon = new ImageIcon ("diamonds-q-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c27icon = new ImageIcon ("hearts-2-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c28icon = new ImageIcon ("hearts-3-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c29icon = new ImageIcon ("hearts-4-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c30icon = new ImageIcon ("hearts-5-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c31icon = new ImageIcon ("hearts-6-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c32icon = new ImageIcon ("hearts-7-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c33icon = new ImageIcon ("hearts-8-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c34icon = new ImageIcon ("hearts-9-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c35icon = new ImageIcon ("hearts-10-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c36icon = new ImageIcon ("hearts-a-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c37icon = new ImageIcon ("hearts-j-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c38icon = new ImageIcon ("hearts-k-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c39icon = new ImageIcon ("hearts-q-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c40icon = new ImageIcon ("spades-2-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c41icon = new ImageIcon ("spades-3-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c42icon = new ImageIcon ("spades-4-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c43icon = new ImageIcon ("spades-5-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c44icon = new ImageIcon ("spades-6-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c45icon = new ImageIcon ("spades-7-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c46icon = new ImageIcon ("spades-8-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c47icon = new ImageIcon ("spades-9-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c48icon = new ImageIcon ("spades-10-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c49icon = new ImageIcon ("spades-a-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c50icon = new ImageIcon ("spades-j-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c51icon = new ImageIcon ("spades-k-75.jpg");
ImageIcon c52icon = new ImageIcon ("spades-q-75.jpg");
public Card()
face = (int) (Math.random() * 13 + 1); //create a random value for the face values
suit = (int) (Math.random() *4 + 1); //create a random value for the suit values
private void setFaceName()
switch (face)
case 1: faceName = "Ace"; break;
case 2: faceName = "Two"; break;
case 3: faceName = "Three"; break;
case 4: faceName = "Four"; break;
case 5: faceName = "Five"; break;
case 6: faceName = "Six"; break;
case 7: faceName = "Seven"; break;
case 8: faceName = "Eight"; break;
case 9: faceName = "Nine"; break;
case 10: faceName = "Ten"; break;
case 11: faceName = "Jack"; break;
case 12: faceName = "Queen"; break;
case 13: faceName = "King"; break;
public void setSuitName()
switch (suit)
case 1: suitName = "Club"; break;
case 2: suitName = "Diamond"; break;
case 3: suitName = "Spade"; break;
case 4: suitName = "Heart"; break;
public int getFace ()
return face;
public int getSuit()
return suit;
public String toString()
String result =faceName + " " + suitName;
return result;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class FrameCardimage
public static void main (String[] args)
// Create card objects c1, c2, c3, c4 and c5
Card c1,c2, c3, c4,c5;
c1 = new Card ();
c2 = new Card ();
c3 = new Card ();
c4 = new Card ();
c5 = new Card ();
JFrame frame = new JFrame ("Any 5 Cards");
frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
ImageIcon pic1 = new ImageIcon ("spades-2-75.png");
ImageIcon pic2 = new ImageIcon ("hearts-2-75.png");
ImageIcon pic3 = new ImageIcon ("diamonds-2-75.png");
ImageIcon pic4 = new ImageIcon ("spades-2-75.png");
ImageIcon pic5 = new ImageIcon ("spades-4-75.png");
JLabel label1, label2, label3, label4, label5, label6, label7, label8, label9, label10;
// Create first subpanel
JPanel subPanel1 = new JPanel();
subPanel1.setBackground (Color.cyan);
label1 = new JLabel (pic1);
label2 = new JLabel (c1 + " - (" + c1.getFace() + ", " + c1.getSuit() + ")");
subPanel1.add (label1);
subPanel1.add (label2);
// Creaet second subpanel. PreferredSize not needed, let display default as needed.
JPanel subPanel2 = new JPanel();
subPanel2.setBackground (Color.cyan);
label3 = new JLabel (pic2);
label4 = new JLabel (c2 + " - (" + c1.getFace() + ", " + c1.getSuit() + ")");
subPanel2.add (label3);
subPanel2.add (label4);
JPanel subPanel3 = new JPanel();
subPanel3.setBackground (Color.cyan);
label5 = new JLabel (pic3);
label6 = new JLabel (c3 + " - (" + c1.getFace() + ", " + c1.getSuit() + ")");
subPanel3.add (label5);
subPanel3.add (label6);
JPanel subPanel4 = new JPanel();
subPanel4.setBackground (Color.cyan);
label7 = new JLabel (pic4);
label8 = new JLabel (c4 + " - (" + c1.getFace() + ", " + c1.getSuit() + ")");
subPanel4.add (label7);
subPanel4.add (label8);
JPanel subPanel5 = new JPanel();
subPanel5.setBackground (Color.cyan);
label9 = new JLabel (pic5);
label10 = new JLabel (c5 + " - (" + c1.getFace() + ", " + c1.getSuit() + ")");
subPanel5.add (label9);
subPanel5.add (label10);
// Set up primary panel
JPanel primary = new JPanel();
primary.setPreferredSize (new Dimension (1000, 500));
primary.setBackground (Color.yellow);
primary.add (subPanel1);
primary.add (subPanel2);
primary.add (subPanel3);
primary.add (subPanel4);
primary.add (subPanel5);