I don't know what's causing this, but every time I have a do..while loop and the statements inside is quite long, I get an error "Loop without Do". Here is an example of my code..
PS: I know this code segment isn't efficient but this is how i code, do things individually before trying to optimize my code( by combining ifs etc..). I find debugging easier doing this. :)
Do While Not frmView.db1.Recordset.EOF
bCheck = True
If chkCCIF.Value = True Then
If Not txtCCIF_r.Text = Left(frmView.db1.Recordset!CCIF_No, Len(txtCCIF_r.Text)) Then
bCheck = False
End If
End If
If chkCompany.Value = True And bCheck = True Then
If Not txtCompany_r.Text = Left(frmView.db1.Recordset!Company, Len(txtCompany_r.Text)) Then
bCheck = False
End If
End If
If chkProduct.Value = True And bCheck = True Then
If Not txtProduct_r.Text = Left(frmView.db1.Recordset!Product_Name, Len(txtProduct_r.Text)) Then
bCheck = False
End If
End If
If chkStatus.Value = True And bCheck = True Then
If Not strStatus = frmView.db1.Recordset!Status Then
bCheck = False
End If
End If
If bCheck = True Then
lstReport.AddItem frmView.db1.Recordset!CCIF_No