hi guys i am a beginner to python. Just now completed a few sets of lessons and i'm trying out the exercises given at the end of each chapter. I have learned till the stage of basics in defining a function. But still i am confused.
##This program runs a test of knowledge
true = 1
false = 0
def get_questions():
return[["What colour is the daytime sky on a clear day?","blue"],\
["What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?","42"],\
["What is a three letter word for mouse trap?","cat"]]
def check_question(question_and_answer):
question = question_and_answer[0]
answer = question_and_answer[1]
given_answer = raw_input(question)
if answer == given_answer:
print "Correct"
return true
print "Incorrect, correct was:",answer
return false
def run_test(questions):
if len(questions) == 0:
print "No questions were given."
index = 0
right = 0
while index<len(questions):
if check_question(questions[index]):
right = right+1
index = index+1
print "You got ",right*100/len(questions),"% right out of",len(questions)
How can i expand this program so that the program has a menu with options to take up the test, viewing the questions and answer and option to quit? Also i need to add a new question to the list for eg., "What noise does a truly advanced machine make?", with the answer of "ping". Thank you.