hi, i'm beginner in assembler, i'm just start study this language...

please can someone explain me, what do this two functions?

cbr flags, (1<<pressed) ;Clear status flag
sbr flags,(1<<pressed) ;Set status flag

please if you insert example, it will be only better...:)

hi, i'm beginner in assembler, i'm just start study this language...

please can someone explain me, what do this two functions?

cbr flags, (1<<pressed) ;Clear status flag
sbr flags,(1<<pressed) ;Set status flag

please if you insert example, it will be only better...:)

These above instructions...which machine do they go with?

These above instructions...which machine do they go with?

ATmaga16 do this...but i m think i found it.

can you correct me, if i be wrong

so: cbr flags, (1<<pressed)

flags is status register, so it loads results of operation.
Pressed can be log1 or log0.
So if "pressed" is 0, the first bit will be clear in the flags, and if it is 1, the firts two bits will be clear. if it inst true please correct me.
And the second instrukcion do the same, but it rewrites bits in the flags?

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