deja-vu 0 Newbie Poster

I got a problem solving this.
I tried to use the sample input and I got exactly the same output as the sample output but I still got WA. Even my output had the same format and same number of characters including every new line but still got "wrong answer".

I don't have any idea.
Any suggestion?

This is my code:


using namespace std;

int main(){
    long cols = 0, rows = 0;
    long nThField = 0;
    long mines = 0;
    long checkedRow = 0;
    long checkedCol = 0;
    while (cin>>rows>>cols){// get # of row n col
          char field[rows][cols];
          if (!rows && !cols) break;
          else if (nThField > 0) cout<<"\n";
          for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++){// iterate row
              for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++){// iterate col
          //output the value
          cout<<"Field #"<<nThField<<":"<<"\n";
          for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++){// iterate row
              for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++){// iterate col
                  if (field[i][j] == '.'){//print the number of mine around
                     // checking for possible mine around in 3x3 area
                     mines = 0;
                     for (int tRow = -1; tRow <= 1; tRow++){
                         for (int tCol = -1; tCol <= 1; tCol++){
                             checkedRow = i + tRow;
                             checkedCol = j + tCol;
                             if (checkedRow < 0 || checkedCol < 0) continue;// if col or row out of bound
                             if (field[i + tRow][j + tCol] == '*'){
                  } //end of printing the number of mine
                  else cout<<'*'; //print the mine
              }// end iterating col
          }// end iterating row
    return 0;

Any help would be very appreciated