hey guys, girls, others. i have a pop down widget and one of the options in the pop down screen is "Exit" which means quit. I want to know the code for clicking that "Exit" option and then it Quiting the whole program. here is my code for the pop down window with "Exit" option:
def createQuit(self):
self.mb = Menubutton(self, text="Quit", relief=FLAT, font=("Arial", 8))
self.mb.grid(row=0, column=3)
self.mb.menu = Menu(self.mb, tearoff=0)
self.mb["menu"] = self.mb.menu
self.exitVar = IntVar()
self.mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label="Exit", variable=self.helpTopicsVar)
If you don't know what im talking about please comment back!!