I am having issues with a project for my C class. We were provided the program shell (structs and the function calls) and we fill in the code for the functions. I did this, however I get a segmentation fault every time I first access my structures. Can anyone give me some help in this area? My first thoughts are that the
SCORE score;
declaration isn't declared as an array, however this is part of the shell that was provided and we're required to not alter the original shell! The function calls/parameters were also provided as part of the shell. Please excuse the ridiculously long code, this is how he wanted it believe it or not! It's supposed to be a <i>really</i> basic "music editor".
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/* Data Definitions */
typedef struct { //define a data type for NOTE
int name;
int pitch;
int loudness;
int duration;
typedef struct { //define a data type for SCORE
NOTE *thescore;
void create(SCORE *score, int scoresize) {
int i, n = 1, p = 1, d = 1, l = 0;
for (i = 0; i < scoresize; i++) {
score[i].thescore ->name = n; //<-- gdb shows segfault HERE
score[i].thescore ->pitch = p;
score[i].thescore ->duration = d;
score[i].thescore ->loudness = l;
if (n == 13) {
n = 1;
if (p == 8)
p = 1;
} //create procedure,including any local variables
void show(SCORE *score, int scoresize) {
int i;
printf("\nSize: %d\n", scoresize);
for (i = 0; i < scoresize; i++) {
score[i].thescore->name, score[i].thescore->pitch,
score[i].thescore->duration, score[i].thescore->loudness);
} //show method
void transposeOctaveUp(SCORE *score, int scoresize) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < scoresize; i++) {
score[i].thescore->pitch += 1;
if (score[i].thescore->pitch == 8)
score[i].thescore->pitch = 1;
} //Transpose Octave Up procedure,including any local variables
void transposeOctaveDown(SCORE *score, int scoresize) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < scoresize; i++) {
score[i].thescore->pitch -= 1;
if (score[i].thescore->pitch == 0)
score[i].thescore->pitch = 7;
} //Transpose Octave Down procedure,including any local variables
void doubleTheDuration(SCORE *score, int scoresize) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < scoresize; i++) {
score[i].thescore->duration -= 1;
if (score[i].thescore->duration <= 0)
score[i].thescore->duration = 1;
} //Double the Duration procedure,including any local variables
void halveTheDuration(SCORE *score, int scoresize) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < scoresize; i++) {
score[i].thescore->duration += 1;
if (score[i].thescore->duration >= 8)
score[i].thescore->duration = 7;
} //Halve the Duration procedure,including any local variables
void increaseTheLoudness(SCORE *score, int scoresize) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < scoresize; i++) {
score[i].thescore->loudness *= 2;
if (score[i].thescore->loudness == 0)
score[i].thescore->loudness = 1;
else if (score[i].thescore->loudness >= 33)
score[i].thescore->loudness = 32;
} //Increase the Loudness procedure,including any local variables
void decreaseTheLoudness(SCORE *score, int scoresize) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < scoresize; i++) {
score[i].thescore->loudness /= 2;
if (score[i].thescore->loudness <= 0)
score[i].thescore->loudness = 0;
} //Decrease the Loudness procedure,including any local variables
void reverseInOctave(SCORE *score, int scoresize) {
int i, temp;
for (i = 0; i < scoresize; i++) {
temp = ~score[i].thescore->name;
temp += 14;
score[i].thescore->name = temp;
} //Reverse in Octave procedure,including any local variables
void reversePitchDuration(SCORE *score, int scoresize) {
int i, temp;
for (i = 0; i < scoresize; i++) {
temp = score[i].thescore->pitch;
score[i].thescore->pitch = score[i].thescore->duration;
score[i].thescore->duration = temp;
} //ReversePitchDuration procedure,including any local variables
int main(void) //main procedure
int scoresize = 0; // user provided Score Size;
// obtain and validate Score size from user placing it's value
// in the local variable 'scoresize'
printf("Please enter score size: ");
scanf("%d[1-1000]", &scoresize);
SCORE score; // the score
score.thescore = malloc(scoresize * sizeof(NOTE));
if (score.thescore == NULL) {
"\nError: Attempt to allocate memory for the array has failed.\n");
return -1;
create(&score, scoresize); //call 'create' to initialize score array based on value in 'scoresize'
show(&score, scoresize); // call 'show'
transposeOctaveUp(&score, scoresize); //call 'transposeOctaveUp'
doubleTheDuration(&score, scoresize); //call 'doubleTheDuration'
increaseTheLoudness(&score, scoresize); //call 'increaseTheLoudness'
reverseInOctave(&score, scoresize); //call 'reverseInOctave'
reversePitchDuration(&score, scoresize); //call 'reversePitchDuration'
show(&score, scoresize); //call 'show'
transposeOctaveDown(&score, scoresize); //call 'transposeOctaveDown'
halveTheDuration(&score, scoresize); //call 'halveTheDuration'
decreaseTheLoudness(&score, scoresize); //call 'decreaseTheLoudness'
reverseInOctave(&score, scoresize); //call reverseInOctave
reversePitchDuration(&score, scoresize); //call reversePitchDuration
show(&score, scoresize); //call show
free(score.thescore); //deallocate space