Goal: Get USB drive letter upon insertion.

Done so far:
Detection of drive.


Im using the method of RegisterDeviceNotification()

WM_DEVICECHANGE // Received message
DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL // Received Message
DEV_BROADCAST_HDR // Pointer from lParam

When getting the index drive letter from dbcv_unitmask.
It works for DVD ( obviously ) but returns a -1 for USBs.

So I was going to try going though all possible drives, then check for the latest plugged in.


GetFileAttributesEx(  "L:\\", GetFileExInfoStandard, &ad );

FileTimeToSystemTime( &ad.ftCreationTime, &Time );

But it only has time for creation time, access time, write time.
Not being inserted.

Is there a better method to get a USB's drive letter the moment it is plugged in, I don't need a example code. Just some API names if possible.

I made a before and after enumeration using GetDriveType().

Thanks anyways tho.



If your program is a regular GUI application, then you might consider using the code from Detecting Media Insertion or Removal. I.e. not involving RegisterDeviceNotification() at all.

If your program is a regular GUI application, then you might consider using the code from Detecting Media Insertion or Removal. I.e. not involving RegisterDeviceNotification() at all.

I am already using those messages.

It does not properly give the index for any USB removable devices.

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