I am trying to read the matrix (please see this link http://www.clcbio.com/scienceimages/img8.png.

This matrix will be in text based file. How can I read this file and create a matrix and fill it in my code.
The other question I have is that the matrix has first row and column with value as char and rest values are in integer, how can I take care of this?

Please suggest.

It's not all that difficult, and is much easier if you have a firm grip on LINQ and extension methods. But first, what have you tried?

To start, I would suggest reading the contents of the fille using the File.ReadAllLines(fileName) method (System.IO namespace). That will read the contents of the file into an array of strings. From there, you can determine what to leave out (the first line) and then how to deal with your remaining array items.

It's not all that difficult, and is much easier if you have a firm grip on LINQ and extension methods. But first, what have you tried?

To start, I would suggest reading the contents of the fille using the File.ReadAllLines(fileName) method (System.IO namespace). That will read the contents of the file into an array of strings. From there, you can determine what to leave out (the first line) and then how to deal with your remaining array items.

sir could you help me with the priority scheduling in visual basic

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