im trying to add i think you call a random string picker heres what i have added it too
#include "stdafx.h"
refimport_t * ri = (refimport_t *) NULL;
refexport_t * re = (refexport_t *) NULL;
refimport_t * o_ri = (refimport_t *) NULL;
refexport_t * o_re = (refexport_t *) 0x0068A1E8;
cg_t * cg = (cg_t *) 0x01379000;
centity_t * cg_entities = (centity_t *) 0x0146DA00;
clientInfo_t * clientinfo = (clientInfo_t *) 0x0145A914;
float * viewangles = (float *) 0x008E4824;
short * delta_angles = (short *) 0x0096B6D8;
int * ping = (int *) 0x0096B67C;
int * keycatchers = (int *) 0x0096B654;
const t_va va = (t_va) 0x0044A990;
const t_Com_Milliseconds Com_Milliseconds = (t_Com_Milliseconds) 0x00467F30;
const t_Con_Close Con_Close = (t_Con_Close) 0x004073B0;
const t_DrawStringExt DrawStringExt = (t_DrawStringExt) 0x005322C0;
const t_CG_Trace CG_Trace = (t_CG_Trace) 0x004D8170;
const t_CM_BoxTrace CM_BoxTrace = (t_CM_BoxTrace) 0x0041D120;
const t_CG_ClipMoveToEntities CG_ClipMoveToEntities = (t_CG_ClipMoveToEntities) 0x004DE2A0;
const t_CG_PointContents CG_PointContents = (t_CG_PointContents) 0x004DE730;
t_CG_FireRecoil o_CG_FireRecoil = (t_CG_FireRecoil) NULL;
t_CG_Obituary o_CG_Obituary = (t_CG_Obituary) NULL;
t_CG_Player o_CG_Player = (t_CG_Player) NULL;
//t_CG_ResetPlayerEntity o_CG_ResetPlayerEntity = (t_CG_ResetPlayerEntity) NULL;
const xcommand_t StartAttack = (xcommand_t) 0x00407180;
const xcommand_t StopAttack = (xcommand_t) 0x004071A0;
const xcommand_t ToggleCrouch = (xcommand_t) 0x00408040;
const xcommand_t ToggleProne = (xcommand_t) 0x00408070;
float fZoomFactor = 1.0f;
centity_t * drawingPlayer = NULL;
void RE_EndFrame( )
if( cg->snap )
pBot->DrawESP( ( toi( dv_nameesp->value ) == 1 ),
( toi( dv_distanceesp->value ) == 1 ),
( toi( dv_lineesp->value ) == 1 ),
( toi( dv_boxesp->value ) == 1 ) );
if( toi( dv_radar->value ) == 1 )
tovec( dv_radar_rect->value )[0],
tovec( dv_radar_rect->value )[1],
tovec( dv_radar_rect->value )[2],
tovec( dv_radar_rect->value )[3],
tof( dv_radar_range->value ),
tovec( dv_radar_prim->value ),
tovec( dv_radar_sec->value ),
tovec( dv_radar_ally->value ),
tovec( dv_radar_enemy->value )
if( clientinfo[ cg->clientNum ].team < TEAM_SPECTATOR && cg->clientNum == cg->snap->ps.clientNum )
if( toi( dv_aimbot->value ) == 1 )
int iAimKeyCode = Dvar_GetKeyCode( dv_aim_key );
if( iAimKeyCode == 0 || ( iAimKeyCode && ( GetAsyncKeyState( iAimKeyCode ) & 0x8000 ) ) )
if( pBot->Aim( ) )
if( toi( dv_autoshoot->value ) == 1 )
pBot->Autoshoot( clientinfo[ cg->clientNum ].curWeapon, true );
if( toi( dv_autosight->value ) == 1 )
pBot->Autosight( true );
if( toi( dv_autoshoot->value ) == 1 )
pBot->Autoshoot( clientinfo[ cg->clientNum ].curWeapon, false );
if( toi( dv_autosight->value ) == 1 )
pBot->Autosight( false );
else if( toi( dv_aimbot->value ) == 2 )
int iHAKeyCode = Dvar_GetKeyCode( dv_ha_key );
if( iHAKeyCode == 0 || ( iHAKeyCode && ( GetAsyncKeyState( iHAKeyCode ) & 0x8000 ) ) )
int iAimed = pBot->HumanAim( tof( dv_ha_fov_x->value ),
tof( dv_ha_fov_y->value ),
tof( dv_ha_div->value ),
tof( dv_ha_freq->value ),
tof( dv_ha_amp->value ) );
if( iAimed == 2 )
if( toi( dv_autoshoot->value ) == 1 )
pBot->Autoshoot( clientinfo[ cg->clientNum ].curWeapon, true );
else if( iAimed == 1 )
if( toi( dv_autosight->value ) == 1 )
pBot->Autosight( true );
else if( iAimed == 0 )
if( toi( dv_autoshoot->value ) == 1 )
pBot->Autoshoot( clientinfo[ cg->clientNum ].curWeapon, false );
if( toi( dv_autosight->value ) == 1 )
pBot->Autosight( false );
clientInfo_t * ci = AimingAtClient( );
if( ci && ci->team < TEAM_SPECTATOR && ( ci->team == TEAM_FREE || ci->team != clientinfo[ cg->clientNum ].team ) )
pBot->DrawTargetInfo( ci );
if( toi( dv_autoshoot->value ) == 1 )
pBot->Autoshoot( clientinfo[ cg->clientNum ].curWeapon, true );
if( toi( dv_autosight->value ) == 1 )
pBot->Autosight( true );
if( toi( dv_autoshoot->value ) == 1 )
pBot->Autoshoot( 0, false );
if( toi( dv_autosight->value ) == 1 )
pBot->Autosight( false );
pBot->ClearTargets( );
re->EndFrame( );
void RE_RenderScene( refdef_t * fd )
centity_t * cent;
clientInfo_t * ci;
ScreenW = (float)fd->width;
ScreenH = (float)fd->height;
fd->fov_x *= fZoomFactor;
fd->fov_y *= fZoomFactor;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ )
cent = &cg_entities[ i ];
ci = &clientinfo[ cent->currentState.clientNum ];
if( cent->currentValid == qtrue &&
cent->currentState.eType == ET_PLAYER &&
!( cent->currentState.eFlags & 1 ) &&
//!pBot->InvalidPlayer( cent->currentState.number ) &&
ci->infoValid == qtrue &&
ci->team < TEAM_SPECTATOR &&
ci->clientNum != cg->snap->ps.clientNum )
pBot->AddTarget( cent, tof( dv_prediction->value ), toi( dv_aim_priority->value ) );
re->RenderScene( fd );
int RE_AddRefEntityToScene( refEntity_t * ent, shaderInfo_t * si, centity_t * cent )
ent->renderfx |= RF_DEPTHHACK | RF_NOSHADOW;
int iRet = re->AddRefEntityToScene( ent, si, cent );
return iRet;
void RE_BeginRegistration( gfxconfig_t * gfxConfig )
re->BeginRegistration( gfxConfig );
ProcessDvars( );
ProcessCommands( );
/* Register Shaders */
sWhite = re->RegisterShader( "white", 3, 7 );
sBlack = re->RegisterShader( "black", 3, 7 );
/* Register Fonts */
consoleFont = re->RegisterFont( "fonts/consoleFont", 3 );
normalFont = re->RegisterFont( "fonts/normalFont", 3 );
smallFont = re->RegisterFont( "fonts/smallFont", 3 );
bigFont = re->RegisterFont( "fonts/bigFont", 3 );
extraBigFont = re->RegisterFont( "fonts/extraBigFont", 3 );
boldFont = re->RegisterFont( "fonts/boldFont", 3 );
pBot = new CBot( 2 );
void RE_Shutdown( )
delete pBot;
re->Shutdown( );
__declspec( naked ) void h_CG_FireRecoil( )
push dv_norecoil
call _Dvar_GetInt //stdcall
test eax, eax
jz fire_recoil
jmp dword ptr [o_CG_FireRecoil]
DWORD WINAPI playSound(LPVOID iValue) //PlaySond function
return 0;
void h_CG_Obituary( )
entityState_t * ent = NULL;
__asm mov ent, eax
int iTarget = ent->otherEntityNum;
int iAttacker = ent->otherEntityNum2;
int iMod = ent->eventParm;
clientInfo_t * ciTarget = NULL;
clientInfo_t * ciAttacker = NULL;
if( iTarget >= 0 && iTarget < MAX_CLIENTS )
ciTarget = &clientinfo[ iTarget ];
// entity is dead
cg_entities[ iTarget ].currentState.eFlags &= 1;
//pBot->SetInvalidPlayer( iTarget );
if( iAttacker >= 0 && iAttacker < MAX_CLIENTS )
ciAttacker = &clientinfo[ iAttacker ];
if( ciAttacker && ciAttacker->clientNum == cg->clientNum )
if( ciTarget->clientNum == cg->clientNum )
if( ( iMod & 0xFFFFFF7F ) == 7 )
pBot->Stats.TotalKills ++;
pBot->Stats.Bashes ++;
else if( ( iMod & 0xFFFFFF7F ) == 8 )
pBot->Stats.TotalKills ++;
pBot->Stats.Headshots ++;
int val = GenerateRandomValue(0,2);
if(toi ( dv_killsounds->value ) )
case 0:
CreateThread(NULL, 0, playSound, headhunter, 0, 0);
case 1:
CreateThread(NULL, 0, playSound, hshot, 0, 0);
case 2:
CreateThread(NULL, 0, playSound, hshot, 0, 0);
pBot->Stats.TotalKills ++;
else if( ciTarget->clientNum == cg->clientNum )
__asm mov eax, ent
o_CG_Obituary( );
void h_CG_Player( )
__asm mov drawingPlayer, eax
o_CG_Player( );
__asm xor eax, eax
__asm mov drawingPlayer, eax
this is what i have added in to it to pick randomly
int val = GenerateRandomValue(0,2);
if(toi ( dv_killsounds->value ) )
case 0:
CreateThread(NULL, 0, playSound, headhunter, 0, 0);
case 1:
CreateThread(NULL, 0, playSound, hshot, 0, 0);
case 2:
CreateThread(NULL, 0, playSound, hshot, 0, 0);
it i get a error when i try to compile ''C3861: 'GenerateRandomValue': identifier not found''
i cant seem to figure this one out
im more of a guy