Hello..can anyone help me in order to solve this problem regarding the collision that happend.. I use the modulo-division hash function and intended to use the chaining solution method to resolve this collision but i got stuck.. because i dont really have the full knowledge in link list..Can someone that are good in this area help me..
Thanks so much..This is the output from this program..
Modulo-Division Hashing Function
Student ID 379452 hashes to 0
Student ID 367173 hashes to 9
Student ID 166702 hashes to 10
Student ID 572556 hashes to 0
Press any key to continue . . .
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))
using namespace std;
// Declare the struct
#define EMPTY_STUDENT_ID 0 // An Id of 0 means an empty record.
struct Student
int id;
std::string name;
std::string telephone;
std::string email;
Student* pNext;
The HashTable is a structure of 2 elements, the first element records the size of the prime area
and the second element is a pointer to the start of the prime area.
struct HashTable
int size; /* the size of the table */
Student *primeArea; /* the table elements */
HashTable *my_hash_table;
int size_of_table = 12;
// Create an array of students.
// These will be put into a hash table
Student studentList[] =
{379452, "Mary Odd", "5555555", "mary@gmail.com" },
{367173, "Sarah Alice", "5555555", "sarah@gmail.com" },
{166702, "Harry Joy", "5555555", "harry@gmail.com" },
{572556, "Hidayah", "5555555", "harry@gmail.com"},
HashTable* create_hash_table(int size)
HashTable* new_table;
if (size<1) return NULL; /* invalid size for table */
// Allocate the hash table main structure
if ((new_table = new HashTable) == NULL) {
return NULL;
// Allocate the primeArea
if ((new_table->primeArea = new Student[size]) == NULL) {
return NULL;
/* Initialize the elements of the table */
for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
new_table->primeArea[i].pNext = NULL;
// An id of 0 means an empty record.
new_table->primeArea[i].id = EMPTY_STUDENT_ID;
/* Set the table's size */
new_table->size = size;
return new_table;
// This is a hashing function.
unsigned int moduloDivisionHashFunction(Student *pStudent, unsigned int listSize)
return pStudent->id % listSize;
void insert_to_hash_table(HashTable* ht, Student* record)
//This is where the chaining solution should be taken
unsigned int hashValue = moduloDivisionHashFunction(record, my_hash_table->size);
cout<< "Student ID " << record->id << " hashes to " << hashValue << endl;
ht->primeArea[hashValue].id = record->id;
ht->primeArea[hashValue].name = record->name;
ht->primeArea[hashValue].telephone= record->telephone;
ht->primeArea[hashValue].email = record->email;
int main(void)
cout<<"Modulo-Division Hashing Function"<<endl;
my_hash_table = create_hash_table(size_of_table);
// go through the studentList using a loop
int studentListSize = ARRAY_SIZE(studentList);
for(int i = 0; i < studentListSize ; i++)
insert_to_hash_table(my_hash_table, &studentList[i]);
return 0;