Basically, I formulate the website name using the version information ( IDE codeblocks SVN 6088, using autoversioning plugin ) and launch the website using *gasp* CMD... the problem is I don't want to launch a web page because ... i just want to check for updates... Also I don't really need a library for this as this would be the only thing I would need... so ideally i would need something ( maybe a .exe file?? ) to go to the website (my website) download the text file, and return the contents of the text file information (most resent version). I would then compare it to the file version of the currently running program...
(I checked out cURL but it doesn't give info on how to install on mingw to use in a an application (or i just don't understand it))
( I intend to use this is all my apps )
Thanks in advance....
This is what I was doing before:

void checkUpdate ( void ) {
    char site [80];
    char p [] = PRODUCT_NAME; // Resource File Generator
    stringChangeSpaceDelimiter ( p, '-' );
    stringChangeCaseLower ( p );

    sprintf ( site, "start %s//%s%ld_%ld.html", "http://(website)",
             p, VER_MAJOR, VER_MINOR );

    system ( site );
    Pause ();

Also I intend to use it as a code blocks tool... and I will sent the ${PROJECT_DIR} macro to it....

using the libcurl library is independent of whether or not you use the MinGW compiler. it's a library, you compile it to be used on your system. the library is then invoked to build an executable that can be distributed to any machine running a similar OS.

you should focus on getting libcurl working. i believe there was a recent thread about how to use the libcurl library to do what you're asking.

using the libcurl library is independent of whether or not you use the MinGW compiler. it's a library, you compile it to be used on your system. the library is then invoked to build an executable that can be distributed to any machine running a similar OS.

you should focus on getting libcurl working. i believe there was a recent thread about how to use the libcurl library to do what you're asking.

Thanks I got it working using

go to project build options
linker settings, link libraries add
libcurl.a and libcurldll.a and
go to compiler and debugger settings
search directories compiler
add c:\libcurl\include

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