First off, I'm not looking for any code or code suggestions, I just want to pass this by some people before I have to submit the idea to my professor. I want to know if this sounds like a good beginner's project for .NET:

title: Music Identification Tool

Actions: Users are able to search a form for a specific artists, either by genre or name, and upon selection are prompted with another form to select a particular album which will be displayed along with title, year, genre, musicians, etc. I am also looking to create a button on the artists page that will suggest other musicians within that genre to the user (probably in another form), and again will provide them with album art, year, musicians, etc.

What do you think? Will this be easily implemented for a very early beginner?


It sounds fine for a starter project, it has a real life application and is in an area of interest most people can relate to.

What are you going to use to search on? Are you intending to use a backend Database? If so you should only use enough samples (say one or two genres of music with a couple of artists in each) or else you could fall into the trap of spending most of your project populating the the database!!


It sounds fine for a starter project, it has a real life application and is in an area of interest most people can relate to.

What are you going to use to search on? Are you intending to use a backend Database? If so you should only use enough samples (say one or two genres of music with a couple of artists in each) or else you could fall into the trap of spending most of your project populating the the database!!

I'm not sure to tell you the truth...I don't think I thought hat far ahead, but I definitely see what you're talking about as far as time

I am still new in programming and VB myself. Freshman, Comp Science. Anyway, I had a music player project my first couple weeks of class. Mine sounds a little different from what you are describing. I set up my form, added media player to the form, then set up a file with music and a video the user could access. With a browse button, the user has the option to open or access another music file. That was a fun program to start with, challenging for the beginner, but not impossible.

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