Produce a vb application that incorportates a class module that will hold two pieces of information about 6 company employees. the information is their new salary and a short description about their job role (between 8 to 12 words)

Three of the employees work in the sales department which is managed by AnnSharpe the other three work in the export dept. which is managed by alan cheng. the area manager is called frank mitchell.

the application is to have a FORM that will enable the three managers to access the information about the employees

ann and alan can only access information about their own staff i.e ann access only sales department information and alan access only export department information. frank can access all information.

this information is to be displayed on the form in two labels. the manager should be able to select which person the information is for from a combo box.

ll managers are required to login to the system.

anns user name is (asharpe) and the password is (versace)
alans username is (acheng) and the password is (lasvegas)
franks username is (fmitch) and the password is (spitfire)

the design of the main form is upto you but it must include the above features nd the coding has to be documented with Rem statements.

email at alert_me@hotmail.com

Well since you haven't read the STICKY note at the top of this forum, a response in the form of a solution to your homework problem will not be posted.

LINK TO STICKY NOTE about homework problems


Class employeeClass
Dim dblSalary as Double
Dim strDesc as String


End Class

And rem statments are not used in VB.Net to my knowledge. Sure this is posted in the right forum?


Produce a vb application that incorportates a class module that will hold two pieces of information about 6 company employees. the information is their new salary and a short description about their job role (between 8 to 12 words)

Three of the employees work in the sales department which is managed by AnnSharpe the other three work in the export dept. which is managed by alan cheng. the area manager is called frank mitchell.

the application is to have a FORM that will enable the three managers to access the information about the employees

ann and alan can only access information about their own staff i.e ann access only sales department information and alan access only export department information. frank can access all information.

this information is to be displayed on the form in two labels. the manager should be able to select which person the information is for from a combo box.

ll managers are required to login to the system.

anns user name is (asharpe) and the password is (versace)
alans username is (acheng) and the password is (lasvegas)
franks username is (fmitch) and the password is (spitfire)

the design of the main form is upto you but it must include the above features nd the coding has to be documented with Rem statements.

email at alert_me@hotmail.com

Well since you haven't read the STICKY note at the top of this forum, a response in the form of a solution to your homework problem will not be posted.

LINK TO STICKY NOTE about homework problems


Class employeeClass
Dim dblSalary as Double
Dim strDesc as String


End Class

And rem statments are not used in VB.Net to my knowledge. Sure this is posted in the right forum?

This is not homework but a project which i need help with cmon people im sure one of you will help out this once mannnnnnn! pweeeeeeeeeez xxx

OK, well where are you stuck at?

Starting it? Have you created your class and member variables?

Can this be done with ADO.NET ( if so what does your DB table structure look like) or can it only be done with Classes/variables and no Database?

Remember we are here to provide help, but you have to give us an idea of where you are at, and what area you are having difficulty with. i.e. Code that isn't working, not knowing how to do a particular process? Get the idea.

You won't find anyone here that will just out right give you the answer.


1. Have you created the Form in VB.Net?
2. Do you have a Database inorder to store and retrieve this data? (Because if there is a DB back end, you can do this in about 40 lines of code, and about 3 select statements).
3. What part of the code is not working or are you lacking in for completion?
4. Have you at least got the login working?

See where I am going here?

He's right man, you can't expect that anyone is going to bail you out just because you beg and use exclamation marks. Work it out, this stuff isn't easy, you gotta earn it. Come up with some code, post it in tags, and when you get an error post the message, stack trace, etc. Thats the kind of stuff people will sink their teeth into. :rolleyes:

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