I am getting Exception in thread "main" java.lang.nullpointerException on line 113,92,200, need help

// heap.java 
// demonstrates heaps
// to run this program: C>java HeapApp
 import java.io.*;
 //import java.util.Scanner;
 class Node 
	private int iData;             // data item (key)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
	public Node(int key)           // constructor
	iData = key; 
	System.out.println(" I am in costructor Node  " + iData);
// ------------------------------------
	public int getKey() 
	//System.out.println(" I am in getkey");
	return iData; 
// ------------------------------------------------------------
	public void setKey(int id) 
	System.out.println(" I am in setKey");
	iData = id;

// ------------------------------------------------------------
	} // end class Node
class Heap 
private Node[] heapArray; 
private int maxSize;           // size of array 
private int currentSize;       // number of nodes in array
// ------------------------------------------------------------
public Heap(int mx)            // constructor 
	maxSize = mx; 
	//currentSize = 0; 
	currentSize = 0; 
	heapArray = new Node[maxSize];  // create array
// ------------------------------------------------------------
	public boolean isEmpty() 			// if heap(array) is empty there os 0 element
	{ return currentSize==0; } 
// ------------------------------------------------------------
	public boolean insert(int key) 
	if(currentSize==maxSize) 				// heap is full, can't insert
		return false; 
	Node newNode = new Node(key);
	System.out.println("newNode = " + newNode.getKey() + "CurrentSize = " + currentSize );  //+ " Node(key) = " + Node(key));               // Remove later	
	heapArray[currentSize] = newNode;
	//System.out.println(" heapArray[currentSize] = " + heapArray[currentSize] );					//Remove
	perculateUp(currentSize++); 						// point to next empty array location
		return true; 
	}  // end insert()
// ------------------------------------------------------------
	public void perculateUp(int index) 
	System.out.println(" currentSize++ =  " + currentSize);
	int parent = (index-1) / 2; 
	//int parent = (index) / 2;
	System.out.println("index = " + index + "    parent = "  + parent);
	Node bottom = heapArray[index];
	System.out.println("bottom = " + bottom); 
	System.out.println(" bottom.getkey = " + bottom.getKey() + " heapArray[parent].getKey() = " + + heapArray[parent].getKey() );
while( index > 0 && heapArray[parent].getKey() > bottom.getKey() ) 
		System.out.println(" I am in while = "); 			//remove

	heapArray[index] = heapArray[parent];  // move it down 
	System.out.println(" heapArray[index] before = " + heapArray[index].getKey() );	
	index = parent; 
	parent = (parent-1) / 2; 
	//parent = (parent) / 2; 
	} 	// end while 
	heapArray[index] = bottom; 
	System.out.println(" heapArray[index] after = " + heapArray[index].getKey() );			//remove
	}  // end trickleUp()	
// ------------------------------------------------------------
public Node remove()           // delete item with min key
	{                           // (assumes non-empty list) 
	Node root = heapArray[0]; 
	System.out.println(" root = " + root.getKey());
	heapArray[0] = heapArray[currentSize]; 			//heapArray[0] = heapArray[--currentSize]; 
	System.out.println(" heapArray[--currentSize]= " + heapArray[--currentSize].getKey());
	return root;
	}  // end remove()
// ------------------------------------------------------------
	public void perculateDown(int index) 
	int smallerChild; 
	Node top = heapArray[index];       			// save root 
	while(index < currentSize/2)       			// while node has at 
	{                               			//    least one child, 
	System.out.println(" index= " + index);
	int leftChild = 2*index+1; 
	int rightChild = leftChild+1;
	System.out.println(" currentSize = " + currentSize + " leftChild = " + leftChild );					// find smaller child 
	if(rightChild < currentSize &&  			// Is there a right child? 
			(heapArray[leftChild].getKey() <= 
		smallerChild = leftChild; 				// left child is the smaller child
		smallerChild = rightChild;				// right child is the smaller child
		// is top <= smallerChild? 
		if( top.getKey() <= heapArray[smallerChild].getKey() )
		// move smaller child up 
		heapArray[index] = heapArray[smallerChild]; 
		index = smallerChild;            // go down one node
		}  // end while 
		heapArray[index] = top;            // root to index
	}  // end perculateDown() 
// ------------------------------------------------------------	
public void displayHeap() 
	System.out.print("heapArray: ");    // array format 
	for(int m=0; m<currentSize; m++) 
	if(heapArray[m] != null) 
		System.out.print( heapArray[m].getKey() + " "); 
			System.out.print(" -- "); 
	System.out.println(); // heap format 
	int nBlanks = 32;
	int itemsPerRow = 1; 
	int column = 0; 
	int j = 0;                          // current item
	String dots = "..............................."; 
	System.out.println(dots+dots);      // dotted top line 
	while(currentSize > 0)              // for each heap item 
		if(column == 0)                  // first item in row? 
			for(int k=0; k<nBlanks; k++)  // preceding blanks 
				System.out.print(' '); 
										// display item 
	if(++j == currentSize)           // done? 
	if(++column==itemsPerRow)        // end of row? 
		nBlanks /= 2;                 // half the blanks 
		itemsPerRow *= 2;             // twice the items 
		column = 0;                   // start over on 
		System.out.println();         //    new row 
		} 							// end if
		else                             // next item on row 
			for(int k=0; k<nBlanks*2-2; k++) 
				System.out.print(" ");     // interim blanks 
											//System.out.print(' '); 
	}  // end while
			System.out.println("\n"+dots+dots); // dotted bottom line 
			}  // end displayHeap()
// ------------------------------------------------------------
}  // end class Heap 
class HeapApp 
	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException 
	int value, value2; 
	Heap theHeap = new Heap(31);  // make a Heap; max size 31 
	boolean success; 
	theHeap.insert(31);           // insert 10 items 
	while(true)                   // until [Ctrl]-[C] 
		System.out.print("Enter first letter of ");
		System.out.print("show, insert, remove, change: "); 
		int choice = getChar(); 
			case 's':                        // show 
			case 'i':                        // insert 
				System.out.print("Enter element to insert: "); 
				value = getInt(); 
				success = theHeap.insert(value); 
				if( !success ) 
					System.out.println("Can’t insert; heap full"); 
			case 'r':                        // remove 
				if( !theHeap.isEmpty() ) 
				else System.out.println("Can’t remove; heap empty"); 
							System.out.println("Invalid entry\n"); 
			}  // end switch 
		}  // end while 
	}  // end main()
	public static String getString() throws IOException 
		InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in); 
		BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); 
		String s = br.readLine(); 
		return s;
	public static char getChar() throws IOException 
		String s = getString(); 
		return s.charAt(0); 
	public static int getInt() throws IOException 
		String s = getString(); 
		return Integer.parseInt(s); 
}  // end class HeapApp

lot of mistakes are thr...
when you are trying to remove it
1. on the very first iteration your this line is throwing nullpointer
if( top.getKey() <= heapArray[smallerChild].getKey() )
because top == null now when I handle null pointer here and change code to
if( top.getKey() <= heapArray[smallerChild].getKey() )
then below line is throwing and error in 4th iteration .....
System.out.println(" heapArray= " + heapArray.getKey());
becuase heapArray will be null in 4th iteration ...
change your code and test it... and post again in case of problems

thank a lot,
I traced the remove and the problem was simple, on line
heapArray[0] = heapArray[currentSize];
currentSize pointing to the next empty location of the array(past the end of the array), so I was getting null, so I just decrement it by one to point the the last node of the array
heapArray[0] = heapArray;
now I got a integer value and the program worked
Tracing by hand is really valuable tool

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