the program below simulates a game of craps and its pretty much done except for a way to get the while loop to stop. i was trying to get an input from the user when they wanted to stop rolling and to enter "n" for no but im not sure how to do it. the idea i had is in the commented out region near the top of the code. i tested it and when i enter "n" for no it kept going as if i was still entering "y" for yes. any advice/help is appreciated.
# PURPOSE: simulates the casino game craps
# INPUT(S): none
# OUTPUT(S): results of your dice rolls and if you won or lost
import random
def main():
going = 'y'
while going == 'y' or going == 'Y':
print '*' * 30
print' CRAPS'
print '*' * 30
raw_input('Press "Enter" to roll the dice')
die1 = random.randint(1, 6)
die2 = random.randint(1,6)
roll = die1 + die2
## while going == 'n' or going == 'N':
## break
if roll in [2,3,12]:
print die1, die2
print 'You lose'
going = raw_input('Play again "y" for yes "n" for no: ')
elif roll == 7 or roll == 11:
print die1, die2
print 'You win'
going = raw_input('Play again "y" for yes "n" for no: ')
elif roll in [4,5,6,8,9,10]:
print die1, die2
print 'You must get a',roll,'to win'
raw_input('Press "Enter" to roll the dice')
while True:
die3 = random.randint(1, 6)
die4 = random.randint(1, 6)
roll2 = die3 + die4
print roll2
if roll == roll2:
print 'You Win!!!'
going = raw_input('Play again "y" for yes "n" for no: ')
elif roll2 == 7:
print 'You lose'
going = raw_input('Play again "y" for yes "n" for no: ')