I am trying to override setColour in the subclass callled ObjectB in the public void setColour(Colour xColour) method. So the OBjectB cannot change to purple. Can you see where I have gone wrong because the ObjectB is currently changing to purple colour. Please reply only if you know the answer. I know its in the public void setColour(Colour xColour) method but I don't know how to change the code.

Thanks in advance.

public class ObjectA
  private Colour acolour;


public ObjectA()

 acolour = PURPLE;

public Colour getColour()
      return acolour;

public void setColour(Colour xColour)
     acolour = xColour;

public void purple()

public void sliver()

public void orange()

public class ObjectB extends ObjectA
    colourY = Colour.GOLD;


 public Colour getColour()
   return colourY;

public void setColour(Colour xColour)
       colourY = xColour;

public void blue()
    public void GREY()
    public void gold()

Inside the overridden method use code that checks the color. If it is purple, don't change it

thank you - solved

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