What is the best way of reading multiple aggregate data ?
like so;
select id,sum(data1),sum(data2),sum(data3) from table1 group by id
I know with ExecuteScalar you can get one aggregate data, but what about if you have more than one. I tried ExecuteReader and I'm getting exception
sSqlCommand = "select sum(ssk_matrah),sum(g_ssk_matrah ) from per017_ssk where id= '" + dfSicilNo.Text + "' "
+" and puantaj_donem='" + dfDonem.Text + " ' and puantaj_ay="+ dfAy.Text+" ";
OleDbDataReader oku4 = _reader.executar_re(sSqlCommand);
if (oku4.Read())
nSSKMatrahi = oku4.GetDouble(0); //here I get exception
gmatrah = oku4.GetDouble(1);
thanks in advance