I use almost every day, http://www.mibbit.com It's a web client for IRC. It has one real nice feature. when i type, if i misspell a word, it sort of writes a line through the word, and i can right click for spelling suggestions. I think actually it might be my Firefox browser, that provides the spell checker.

What i am wondering, is, is there a spell checker available for people to use in java applications. I'd like to not pick up to onerous a license requirement, but I'd consider adopting their license, including making my code open source, to be able to use such a feature.

the actual code to make right click menus of suggested words, and somehow indicate a word is misspelled to the user, i think i can manage with what i know of java. But where can i get a robust spell checker similar to what Firefox uses that could be made to work in a java application.


Jazzy is such library, for more options here is result of google search

Aspell is a GPL'ed spellchecker which is pretty famous and used in chat clients like Pidgin. You can try their mailing list/forums for more details on integrating it with your Java application.

There is another Java library called Jazzy which is a spin-off of the Aspell project which you might interested in having a look at.

Edit: Doh, beaten by Peter. :)

the links led me to dictionaries, just the words, and i think i'm going to try writing my own spell checker with a good word source.


Mike it is obvious you did not go to sourceforge net where Jazzy is hold otherwise you would seen this

i went and downloaded the source ( again ) and got jazzy-0.5.2.src.zip. Its the same source i spent 30 minutes looking at the other day.

It was the jazzy source file GenericSpellDictionary.java that led me to the dictionary page. the comments said:

* The SpellDictionary class holds the instance of the dictionary.
* <p>
* This class is thread safe. Derived classes should ensure that this preserved.
* </p>
* <p>
* There are many open source dictionary files. For just a few see:
* http://wordlist.sourceforge.net/
* </p>
* <p>
* This dictionary class reads words one per line. Make sure that your word list
* is formatted in this way (most are).
* </p>

http://wordlist.sourceforge.net/ was the page i went to for dictionaries per the jazzy source file comment. so yea i've looked at jazzy, ( and thanks for refering it) but figured if i had a word list i could write something simple that would do for my needs. And i wanted to try that.

I dont need a very advanced spell checker. only 300 or so characters can be inputed at a time, just chat.


There is a new project called JSpellCheck which you might be interested in.


i went and downloaded the source ( again ) and got jazzy-0.5.2.src.zip. Its the same source i spent 30 minutes looking at the other day.

It was the jazzy source file GenericSpellDictionary.java that led me to the dictionary page. the comments said:

* The SpellDictionary class holds the instance of the dictionary.
* <p>
* This class is thread safe. Derived classes should ensure that this preserved.
* </p>
* <p>
* There are many open source dictionary files. For just a few see:
* http://wordlist.sourceforge.net/
* </p>
* <p>
* This dictionary class reads words one per line. Make sure that your word list
* is formatted in this way (most are).
* </p>

http://wordlist.sourceforge.net/ was the page i went to for dictionaries per the jazzy source file comment. so yea i've looked at jazzy, ( and thanks for refering it) but figured if i had a word list i could write something simple that would do for my needs. And i wanted to try that.

I dont need a very advanced spell checker. only 300 or so characters can be inputed at a time, just chat.


Thanks But i want to Use this Spell Check in Input Text Box Of JSF and Richfaces application can u plz tell me how we can integrate the Jazzy Checker with a JSF frameWork application like in my case this website totally based On JSF+Richfaces+Hibernate
Plz let me Know how can i use this Spelling Check jar with My application

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