0 Newbie Poster


I am trying to create an automated trading system and am fetching data from an API (interactive brokers) API. I need to store 30 nodes of tick data( Tick is a reference type struct I have created) and store it in a linked list. When i start the system, the list is empty, so I just use the AddFirst command (on the System::Collections::Generics::LinkedList) to store the data sequentially. When the length goes beyond 30 I want to add the node on top and remove it from below, keeping the length constant. My problem is irrespective of what node I am trying to access ( First or last) I see the same values.

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "DataManager.h"
#include "Interface_1.h"
#include "Tick.h"
#include "Delegates.h"
#include "Math.h"

using namespace System::Collections::Generic;

DataManager::DataManager(Interface_1 ^Interface)

Data_interface = Interface;
m_PriceDataList = gcnew LinkedList <Tick ^>; 

Data_interface->OnMyTickUpdateC += gcnew MyTickChangeHandler (this, &DataManager::UpdateDataArray);
mAV = 0;
mSTDEV = 0;


void DataManager::UpdateDataArray(Tick ^m_Tick)

	if ( m_PriceDataList->Count<= 30)
	double c = m_PriceDataList->First->Value->AskPrice;
	double d = m_PriceDataList->Last->Value->AskPrice;

		double a = m_PriceDataList->First->Value->AskPrice;
		double b = m_PriceDataList->Last->Value->AskPrice;


I am newbie and have spent more than a couple of days trying to figure this out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.\

Thank you,

Ashish Menghani

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