Hi, I need help getting the basic idea of how to begin writing this Strings program:
file has last name(1word) & email address
objective of prgm is to validate email address
- 1 "@" symbol; no space left of it
- 1 "."; no space on both sides of it
output 2 files
- last name & valid email
- last name & invalid email & reason why invalid
object-oriented programming required!
will I have more than 1 object? do i validate everything together in one method? how many methods should i end up with? is this more based on comparing content of two or more objects OR similar to the concept of anagrams? what is the key to understanding & writing this program well? how would you rate the difficulty level of this program?
I'm sure once I get the general idea of how to lay out this program, it won't be so bad (hopefully). So could someone please point me into the right direction. FYI i'm taking intro to java, so this should be very basic and simple, but it's just i'm not so advanced in the language yet to come up with the solution promptly! So some help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you!