I am trying to read a file and place the contents in various arrays. The fields are seperated by commas. I have fields that are strings, doubles, and integers. The string fields may contain characters such as ",&:. The double fields may not all be populated but I need to know that so that the arrays can be filled properly. My input file looks like this:
"",100,1,"IQ at Vin=10V",10.0,17.0,9.3,"mA",10,0.1,,,66,,,,"7","8"
"",100,2,"OVP High Threshold",40.0,48.0,9.3,"V",50.0,,,,,21,,,"11","12"
"",100,3,"OVP Low Threshold",37.0,43.0,9.3,"V",50.0,,,,,,,,"11","12"
"",100,4,"IQ at Vin=40V",7.5,13.0,9.3,"mA",40,,,,,,,,"13","14"
"",100,5,"OVPhigh - OVPlow",2.0,8.0,9.3,"V",20,4.0,,,,4.0,,1.1,"11","12"
"",12,2,"MinPin Buck Eff 15V/3A, CC 4A",85.0,99.000,9.3,"%",,,18.0,15.0,3.7,3.0,11.25,4.0,"16","16"
By using strtok, I can parse out the first 8 fields. I'm lost at how to parse the next 8 fields and fill the arrays correctly when not all of them have data. These would fill in arrays DSV_1, DSV_2, ...DSV_8.
My code so far is below. The progam I am using has functions OpenFile and ReadLine which do exactly what the name says,ie, opens the file and reads the line.
char tempFileName[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN];
int i,k;
char line_str[256];
int num_bytes;
int file;
char *word;
char *word2;
int pos;
int TestNmbr[100];
int SubTestNmbr[100];
char DLogDesc[100][100];
double HiLim[100];
double LoLim[100];
double DFormat[100];
char Units[100][10];
double DSV_1[100];
double DSV_2[100];
double DSV_3[100];
double DSV_4[100];
double DSV_5[100];
double DSV_6[100];
double DSV_7[100];
double DSV_8[100];
char LoFBin[100][5];
char HiFBin[100][5];
if (g_myInifile)
file=OpenFile(limit_file, VAL_READ_ONLY, VAL_OPEN_AS_IS, VAL_ASCII);
while ((num_bytes = ReadLine (file, line_str, 255)) >= 0)
strcpy(stringValue[i], line_str);
if(strstr(line_str, "\"\","))
// skip the first pair of ""
word = strtok(line_str,",");
word = strtok(NULL,",");
TestNmbr[k] = atoi(word);
word = strtok(NULL,",");
SubTestNmbr[k] = atoi(word);
word = strtok(NULL,"\"");
strcpy(DLogDesc[k], word);
word = strtok(NULL,",");
LoLim[k] = atof(word);
word = strtok(NULL,",");
HiLim[k] = atof(word);
word = strtok(NULL,",");
DFormat[k] = atof(word);
word = strtok(NULL,",");
strcpy(Units[k], word);
//This is where I'm lost.....
word = strtok(NULL,"\"");
// word = strstr(line_str,",,");
// word = strspn(NULL,",");
DSV_1[k] = atof(word;