can i make a program open another program after a user selects it such as

i am making a menu and i want if the user enters 1 it opens the program accociated with 1 or will i have to paste all the files from the external program to the menu one?

Yes it is possible.
You can use any of the following functions to do so as well:
The standard, unportable system() process, or these ones which give you a bit more control: fork(), exec(), CreateProcess()

Yes it is possible.
You can use any of the following functions to do so as well:
The standard, unportable system() process, or these ones which give you a bit more control: fork(), exec(), CreateProcess()

how would i put this the other application i want to open is called "Task 1 application b"

ive tried this

    task 1 program B

and both programs are in the same folder.

how would i put this the other application i want to open is called "Task 1 application b"

ive tried this

    task 1 program B

and both programs are in the same folder.

You should try reading the links that I supplied so you can understand how to use the functions.

If you need an example, here is a rather lengthy example of 'createprocess()'. *Note: This program was not created by me!*

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#include <windows.h>

using namespace std;

// This function will ask a user for a password.
int Authenticate()
        string password;

        cout << "Password: ";
        cin >> password;
        if(password == "12345")
                return 1;

        return 0;

// This function will list the available games.
void ListGames()
        cout << "Games:" << endl;
        cout << "Minesweeper" << endl;
        cout << "Solitare" << endl;
        cout << "Pinball" << endl;

        // Sleep 500ms

// This function launches a game.
void LaunchGame(char *command)
        STARTUPINFO si;

        ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(si) );
        si.cb = sizeof(si);
        ZeroMemory( π, sizeof(pi) );

        // Start the child process. 
        if( !CreateProcess( NULL,   // No module name (use command line)
                command,                // Command line
                NULL,              // Process handle not inheritable
                NULL,              // Thread handle not inheritable
                FALSE,            // Set handle inheritance to FALSE
                0,                        // No creation flags
                NULL,              // Use parent's environment block
                NULL,              // Use parent's starting directory 
                &si,                    // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
                π )                // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure
                printf( "CreateProcess failed (%d)\n", GetLastError() );

        // Wait until child process exits.
        WaitForSingleObject( pi.hProcess, INFINITE );

        // Close process and thread handles. 
        CloseHandle( pi.hProcess );
        CloseHandle( pi.hThread );

int main(void)
        string answer;

        // Authenticate the user. If authentication fails quit.
                cout << "Incorrect Username" << endl;
                cout << "-- CONNECTION TERMINATED --" << endl;

        // Set the console title.
        SetConsoleTitle("Hello, Mr. HAXIFIX");
        // Loop until the user quits or wants to play a game.
        while((answer != "Yes") && (answer != "yes"))
                // Empty the string so we can use it again.

                cout << "Would you like to play a game?" << endl;
                cout << "Answer: ";
                cin >> answer;

                if((answer == "No") || (answer == "no"))
                        cout << "Ok, I will ask later." << endl;
                        // Sleep 1 second
                else if((answer == "quit") || (answer == "exit"))
                        cout << "Exiting now..." << endl;

        // Clear the console.

        // Loop until the user is ready to quit.
        while((answer != "quit") && (answer != "exit"))
                // Empty the string so we can use it again.
                cout << "What game would you like to play?" << endl;
                cout << "Type 'list games' for a list." << endl;
                cout << "Answer: ";

                // Flush stdin in case there are any stagnant carriage returns or line-feeds laying about.

                // We use getline() here because the answer might contain a space.
                getline(cin, answer);

                if((answer == "List Games") || (answer == "List games") || (answer == "list Games") || (answer == "list games"))
                else if((answer == "Minesweeper") || (answer == "minesweeper"))
                else if((answer == "Solitare") || (answer == "solitare"))
                else if((answer == "Pinball") || (answer == "pinball"))
                        LaunchGame("C:\\Program Files\\Windows NT\\Pinball\\PINBALL.EXE");

        return 0;

-Only works on XP I believe.

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