Hi... i have a little problem on my code...

HI open a txt that have this:

LEI;7671;Maria Albertina da silva;xxxx@gmail.com;
LTCGM;6567;Artur Pereira Ribeiro;fdsdfsd@gmail.com;
LEI;7701;Ana Maria Carvalho;asasssas@gmail.com;


LEI, LTCGM are the college;
7671, 6567, 7701 is student number;
Maria, Artur e Ana are the students name;
xxxx@gmail.com, ...@gmail are emails from students;
the first number of every line is the total of classes that students have;
after that is students school notes;


College: LEI
Number: 7671
Name: Maria Albertina da Silva
email: xxxx@gmail.com
total of classes: 9
Classe Notes: 8 12 9 12 11 6 15 7 11.

My code:

typedef struct aluno { 
    char sigla[5];//college 
    char numero[80];//number 
    char nome[80];//student name 
    char email[20];//email 
    int total_notas;// total of classes 
    char tot_not[40]; // total classes 
    char notas[20];// classe notes 
    int nota; //class notes 
    char situacao[80]; //situation (aproved or disaproved) 
void ordena(ALUNO*alunos, int tam)//bubble sort 
    int i=0; 
    int j=0; 
    char temp[100]; 
    for (i=0;i<tam;i++) 
        for (j=0;j<tam-1;j++) 
            if (strcmp( alunos[i].sigla[j], alunos[i].sigla[j+1])>0) 
                strcpy(temp, alunos[i].sigla[j]); 
                strcpy(alunos[i].sigla[j+1], temp); 
void xml(ALUNO*alunos, int tam) 
    FILE *fp; 
    char linha[60];//line 
    int soma, max, min, count;//biggest note and lowest note and students per course count 
    float media; //media of notes 
    if (fp==NULL) 
        while (!(feof(fp))) 
            if (linha[0]=='L') 
                if (ap_dados=strtok(linha,";")) 
                    strcpy(alunos[i].sigla,ap_dados);//copy to struct 
                    // i need to call bubble sort here, but i don't know how 
                    printf("College: %s\n",alunos[i].sigla); 
                    if (ap_dados=strtok(NULL,";")) 
                        strcpy(alunos[i].numero,ap_dados);//copy to struct 
                        printf("number: %s\n",alunos[i].numero);     
                        if (ap_dados=strtok(NULL,";")) 
                            strcpy(alunos[i].nome, ap_dados);//copy to struct 
                            printf("name: %s\n",alunos[i].nome);     
                            if (ap_dados=strtok(NULL,";")) 
                                strcpy(alunos[i].email, ap_dados);//copy to struct 
                                printf("email: %s\n",alunos[i].email);   
            if (isdigit(linha[0])) 
                if (info_notas=strtok(linha,";")) 
                    alunos[i].total_notas=atoi(alunos[i].tot_not);//total classes 
                    for (z=0;z<=alunos[i].total_notas;z++) 
                        if (info_notas=strtok(NULL,";")) 
                            alunos[i].nota=atoi(alunos[i].notas); // student class notes 
                        soma=soma + alunos[i].nota; 
                        media=soma/alunos[i].total_notas;//doesn't work 
                        if (alunos[i].nota>max) 
                            max=alunos[i].nota;;//doesn't work 
                            if (min<alunos[i].nota) 
                                min=alunos[i].nota;;//doesn't work 
                        //now i need to count the numbers of students in the same college, but doesn't work 
                        /*If(strcmp(alunos[i].sigla, alunos[i+1].sigla)=0){ 
                         count ++; 
                         printf("%d\n", count); here for LEI should appear 2 students and for LTCGM appear 1, don't work 
                        //Now i need to see if student is aproved or disaproved 
                        // Student is disaproved if he gets 3 notes under 10, how can i do that?  
                    printf("media %d\n",media); //media 
                    printf("Nota maxima %d\n",max);// biggest note  
                    printf("Nota minima %d\n",min); //lowest note 
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    ALUNO alunos; 
    FILE *fp; 
    int tam==3; 
    alunos = (ALUNO*) calloc (tam, sizeof(ALUNO)); 
    xml(alunos,nomeFicheiro, tam); 
    return 0; 

Hi... i have a little problem on my code...

What's the little problem? You did state a question, nor did you point what are you having problem with.

Consider just the following in main.

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    ALUNO alunos;
    FILE *fp;
    int tam==3;

    alunos = (ALUNO*) calloc (tam, sizeof(ALUNO));
    xml(alunos,nomeFicheiro, tam);
    return 0;

alunos is an structure, not a pointer. Then, you can not alunos = (ALUNO*) calloc (tam, sizeof(ALUNO)); and expect to work fine. Practice some more about allocating dynamic memory.

int tam==3; Not an assignment. Not quite a declaration.
When you fp=fopen("example.txt","r"); it's not optional to check if fopen() was able to get you the file successful. You must check, if it fails, create code that deals with the failure.

xml(alunos,nomeFicheiro, tam); according to your function accepts two parameter, not three. The first argument is the address or pointer to ALUNO which alunos is not. Of course, nomeFicheiro hasn't been declared yet.

system("PAUSE"); Works only in system that knows what "PAUSE" is. Can be substituted most likely by getchar();

Make sure you tag the code properly, next time. It is not (\code) as a closing tag, it is (/code)

Fix those errors and come back with specific questions about what you seem not to be able to figure out.

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