can i change the value of an int with a pointer. e.q.

int n = 20;

int *size = n;

can i change n by doing this *size++.


No. This will increment the pointer first and then deference the result. You would require paretheses here to achieve the result you want.


This is because unary unary operators like ++ associate right to left..

Also you have a problem in that the expression

int *size = n;

is probably not doing what you intend. this is setting the pointer to an adress of 0x00000014 (20), not pointing it at n as you seem to desire. You need to use the address of operator to set size pointing to n.

int *size = &n;

thnx, mattjbond

exactly,This will increment the pointer first and then deference the result. You need paretheses

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