The small code shown below works fine with Python26, however Python31 gives an error:
fout.write('.snd' + pack('>5L', 24, 8*dur, 2, 8000, 1))
TypeError: Can't convert 'bytes' object to str implicitly
Does anyone know what I need to do to make it work with Python31?
# create a soundfile in AU format playing a sine wave
# of a given frequency, duration and volume
# using Python26
from struct import pack
from math import sin, pi
def au_file(name='', freq=440, dur=1000, vol=0.5):
creates an AU format audio file of a sine wave
of frequency freq (Hz)
for duration dur (milliseconds)
at volume vol (max is 1.0)
fout = open(name, 'wb')
# header needs size, encoding=2, sampling_rate=8000, channel=1
fout.write('.snd' + pack('>5L', 24, 8*dur, 2, 8000, 1))
factor = 2 * pi * freq/8000
# write data
for seg in range(8 * dur):
# sine wave calculations
sin_seg = sin(seg * factor)
fout.write(pack('b', vol * 127 * sin_seg))
# test the module ...
if __name__ == '__main__':
au_file(name='', freq=440, dur=2000, vol=0.8)
# if you have Windows, you can test the audio file
# otherwise comment this code out
import os