This one might be a challenge...
Okay some of you might have an inkling what i'm trying to do already from the last thread (thanks for helping!) but I figured I should start a new topic for a new problem so that people can search solutions easier.
I've got multiple lists.
List 1 contains module names (LUBS5200M01, LUBS5250M01, COMP5500M01)
List 2 contains start times (1000, 1400, 1530)
List 3 contains end times (1200, 1600, 1600)
I need to create new files (the lists are all the same length, so maybe a "for i in range(len(list1))" sort of thing would work?) which have each row in a specific place. These new files will be .csv files and should have the filename "output_(x)" where "x" is a number, could just be sequential it doesn't really matter as long as it's unique.
They all have to be in separate files because it's calendar data, so i'm slowly building up .csv files separate event in. I'll later be adding the rest of the data, but below is an example:
##The finished .csv file should contain:
Subject, Start date, Start time, End date, End time, All day event, Description, Location, Private
##The .csv file i'm hoping to build now will contain:
LUBS5200M01, null, 1000, null, 1200, null, FALSE, null, null, FALSE