The two characters (one, two) have the same values generated.
How can I make them have different numbers generated?

Currently, the out put is:
"The character has 2 eyes, an age of 66, and 8 legs.
The character has 2 eyes, an age of 66, and 8 legs."

I want each character to have unique stats, unless by some amazing chance ;)

using namespace std;

struct Char
       int eyes;
       int legs;
       int age;
             void setEyes(int eyes);
             void setLegs(int legs);
             void setAge(int age);
void Char::setEyes(int eyes)
     Char:: eyes= eyes;
 void Char::setLegs(int legs)
     Char:: legs= legs;
 void Char::setAge(int age)
     Char:: age= age;
void displayChar(Char whatever)
     cout<<"The character has "<<whatever.eyes<<" eyes, an age of "<<whatever.age<<", and " <<whatever.legs<<" legs."<<endl;
int main ()
    Char one;

    const int DIVISORage= 100;
    const int NUM = 1;
    int x; 
    for (x=0;x<NUM;++x)
        one.age=rand() % DIVISORage;

    const int DIVISORlegs= 12;
    int y; 
    for (x=0;x<NUM;++x)
        one.legs=rand() % DIVISORlegs;

        const int DIVISOReyes= 10;
    int z; 
    int eyes;
    for (x=0;x<NUM;++x)
        one.eyes=rand() % DIVISOReyes;

        Char two;

    const int DIVISORage2= 100;
    for (x=0;x<NUM;++x)
        two.age=rand() % DIVISORage2;

    const int DIVISORlegs2= 12;
    for (x=0;x<NUM;++x)
        two.legs=rand() % DIVISORlegs2;

            const int DIVISOReyes2= 10;
    for (x=0;x<NUM;++x)
        two.eyes=rand() % DIVISOReyes2;


Thanks in advance! :)

Only call srand() once at the beginning of the code.

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