hi i want to give my sprites some weapons- one a gun and the other a sword but i have no idea what i am doing, can anyone help me do this please? i've included my main.cpp, player.cpp and player.h if it helps.. im using visual c++ and SDL and im trying to make a mario type game..
#include "global.h"
x = 50; //start coordinates
y = 1500;
h = PLAYERHEIGHT; //save player height and width
velx = 0; //speed
vely = 0;
lockjump = true; //player may jump
faceright = true; //player looks right
jumping = false;
slope_prevtilex = (x + (w>>1)) / TILESIZE;
slope_prevtiley = (y + h) / TILESIZE;
void CPlayer::unlockjump(){ //this function is called if the player hits the ground
//this if is quite tricky:
//the player may jump again:
//a) if he fell of an edge (!jumping) - without releasing the jump key on the ground
//b) if he jumped - only when he releases the jump key on the ground
if(!jumping || !keystates[SDLK_RSHIFT]){
lockjump = false;
jumping = false;
void CPlayer::draw(){
spr_player[1].draw((x-4) - scroll_x, (y-2) - scroll_y);
spr_player[0].draw((x-17) - scroll_x, (y-2) - scroll_y);
bool CPlayer::collision_hor_down(int x, int y, int &tilecoordy){
int tilexpixels = x-(x%TILESIZE); //calculate the x position (pixels!) of the tiles we check against
int testend = x + w; //calculate the end of testing (just to save the x+w calculation each for loop)
tilecoordy = y/TILESIZE; //calculate the y position (map coordinates!) of the tiles we want to test
int tilecoordx = tilexpixels/TILESIZE; //calculate map x coordinate for first tile
//loop while the start point (pixels!) of the test tile is inside the players bounding box
while(tilexpixels <= testend){
if(map.map(tilecoordx, tilecoordy) == t_solid) //is a solid tile is found at tilecoordx, tilecoordy?
return true;
tilecoordx++; //increase tile x map coordinate
tilexpixels+=TILESIZE; //increase tile x pixel coordinate
return false;
bool CPlayer::collision_hor_up(int x, int y, int &tilecoordy){
int tilexpixels = x-(x%TILESIZE);
int testend = x + w;
tilecoordy = y/TILESIZE;
int tilecoordx = tilexpixels/TILESIZE;
while(tilexpixels <= testend){
if(map.map(tilecoordx, tilecoordy) != t_nonsolid) //only this changed: when jumping (moving up) we don't want to go through slopes
return true;
return false;
//for explanation see CPlayer::collision_hor()
bool CPlayer::collision_ver(int x, int y, int &tilecoordx){
int tileypixels = y-(y%TILESIZE);
int testend = y + h;
tilecoordx = x/TILESIZE;
int tilecoordy = tileypixels/TILESIZE;
while(tileypixels <= testend){
if(map.map(tilecoordx, tilecoordy) == t_solid)
return true;
tileypixels += TILESIZE;
return false;
bool CPlayer::collision_slope(int sx, int sy, int &tsx, int &tsy){
tsx = sx / TILESIZE; //map coordinates of the tile we check against
tsy = sy / TILESIZE;
TileType t = map.map(tsx, tsy);
//if we found a slope we set align y to the slope.
//take a look at jnrdev #2, why it's calculated this way
if(t == t_sloperight){
//sloperight -> \
y = (tsy+1)*TILESIZE - (TILESIZE - (sx%TILESIZE)) - h - 1;
return true;;
else if(t == t_slopeleft){
//slopeleft -> /
y = (tsy+1)*TILESIZE - sx%TILESIZE - h - 1 ;
return true;
return false;
void CPlayer::collision_detection_map(){
//check for slopes (only if moving down)
if(vely > 0){
int tsx, tsy; //slope tile coordinates
int sx = x + (w>>1) + velx; //slope chechpoint x coordinate
if(collision_slope(sx, (y + h), tsx, tsy) ){ //we entered a slope (y is set by collision_slope)
x += velx; //move on
//y has been set by collision_slope
unlockjump(); //we hit the ground - the player may jump again
vely = 1; //test against the ground again in the next frame
slope_prevtilex = tsx; //save slope koordinate
slope_prevtiley = tsy;
else{ //we're not on a slope this frame - check if we left a slope
//-1 ... we didn't move from slope to slope
//0 ... we left a slope after moving down
//1 ... we left a slope after moving up
int what = -1;
if(map.map(slope_prevtilex, slope_prevtiley) == t_sloperight){
if(velx > 0) //sloperight + velx > 0 = we left a slope after moving up the slope
what = 0;
what = 1; //we left after moving down the slope
else if(map.map(slope_prevtilex, slope_prevtiley) == t_slopeleft){
if(velx < 0) //sloperight + velx > 0 = we left a slope after moving up the slope
what = 0;
what = 1; //we left after moving down the slope
if(what != -1){ //if we left a slope and now are on a slope
int sy;
if(what == 1){
y = tsy*TILESIZE - h -1; //move y to top of the slope tile
sy = y + h;
y = (tsy+1)*TILESIZE - h -1; //move y to the bottom of the slope tile
sy = y + h + TILESIZE; //test one tile lower than the bottom of the slope (to test if we move down a long slope)
//it's physically incorrect, but looks a lot smoother ingame
//check for slopes on new position
if( collision_slope(sx, sy, tsx, tsy) ){ //slope on new pos (entered a slope after we left a slope)
//-> we moved from slope to slope
x += velx;
vely = 1;
slope_prevtilex = tsx;
slope_prevtiley = tsy;
//no slope collisions were found -> check for collisions with the map
int tilecoord;
//x axis first (--)
if(velx > 0){ //moving right
if(collision_ver(x+velx+w, y, tilecoord)) //collision on the right side.
x = tilecoord*TILESIZE -w-1; //move to the edge of the tile (tile on the right -> mind the player width)
else //no collision
x += velx;
else if(velx < 0){ //moving left
if(collision_ver(x+velx, y, tilecoord)) //collision on the left side
x = (tilecoord+1)*TILESIZE +1; //move to the edge of the tile
x += velx;
//then y axis (|)
if(vely < 0){ //moving up
if(collision_hor_up(x, y+vely, tilecoord)){
y = (tilecoord+1)*TILESIZE +1;
vely = 0;
y += vely;
else{ //moving down / on ground
//printf("test: down, vely:%d\n", vely);
if(collision_hor_down(x, y+vely+h, tilecoord)){ //on ground
y = tilecoord*TILESIZE -h-1;
vely = 1; //1 so we test against the ground again int the next frame (0 would test against the ground in the next+1 frame)
else{ //falling (in air)
y += vely;
if(vely >= TILESIZE) //if the speed is higher than this we might fall through a tile
vely = TILESIZE;
lockjump = true; //don't allow jumping after falling of an edge
slope_prevtilex = (x + (w>>1)) / TILESIZE;
slope_prevtiley = (y + h) / TILESIZE;
void CPlayer::think(){
velx=0; //don't move left / right by default
velx = VELMOVING; //move right
faceright = true; //player graphic is facing right
velx = -VELMOVING; //move left
faceright = false; //player graphic is facing left
if(keystates[SDLK_UP] && !lockjump){ //if the player isn't jumping already
vely = -VELJUMP; //jump!
lockjump = true; //player is not allowed to jump anymore
jumping = true;
//now that we have our new position it's time to update the scrolling position
scroll_x = x - 270;
scroll_y = y - 260;
void CPlayer::think2(){
velx=0; //don't move left / right by default
velx = VELMOVING; //move right
faceright = true; //player graphic is facing right
velx = -VELMOVING; //move left
faceright = false; //player graphic is facing left
if(keystates[SDLK_w] && !lockjump){ //if the player isn't jumping already
vely = -VELJUMP; //jump!
lockjump = true; //player is not allowed to jump anymore
jumping = true;
//now that we have our new position it's time to update the scrolling position
scroll_x = x - 270;
scroll_y = y - 260;
class CPlayer{
void think(); //handle input, collision detection, ...
void draw();
void think2(); //handle input, collision detection, ...
void draw2();
int x, y; //x, y coordinate (top left of the player rectangle)
int x2, y2;
int h, w; //height, width
int velx, vely; //velocity on x, y axis
bool faceright; //player facing right? -> graphics
bool lockjump; //may the player jump
bool jumping;
int slope_prevtilex;//the tile at slopex, slopey in the last frame
int slope_prevtiley;
void collision_detection_map(); //does the whole collision detection
bool collision_ver(int x, int y, int &tilecoordx); //tests for collision with a tile on the vertikal line from [x,y] to [x,y+height]
bool collision_hor_up(int x, int y, int &tilecoordy); //horizontal line from [x,y] to [x+width, y]
bool collision_hor_down(int x, int y, int &tilecoordy); //same as hor_up, but we don't want to go through slopes here
bool collision_slope(int sx, int sy, int &tsx, int &tsy); //test for collisions against a slope at sx, sy - if a slope is found y is set accordingly
void unlockjump(); //the player may jump again if the conditions in this function are true
//---------------- includes ----------------
#include "global.h"
//---------------- global variables ----------------
Uint8 *keystates;
SDL_Surface *screen; //the screen (main sdl surface which is visible on the monitor)
gfxSprite spr_t[7];
gfxSprite spr_player[2];
gfxSprite spr_player2[2];
gfxSprite spr_background;
gfxFont font;
//game objects
CPlayer player;
CPlayer player2;
CMap map;
CTile tileset[9];
//scroll offset
int scroll_x = 0;
int scroll_y = 0;
//---------------- main ----------------
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
unsigned int framestart;
float fps = 0, framefps = 0;
int divisor;
bool done;
SDL_Event event;
//---------------- init the "engine" ----------------
//initialize SDL
gfx_init(640,480, false);
//get keystate array
keystates = SDL_GetKeyState(0);
//---------------- load resources (graphics) ----------------
spr_t[0].init("gfx/t1.bmp"); //tile graphics
spr_t[2].init("gfx/t3.bmp", 255, 0, 255);
spr_t[3].init("gfx/tsloper.bmp", 255, 0, 255);
spr_t[4].init("gfx/tslopel.bmp", 255, 0, 255);
spr_t[5].init("gfx/t6.bmp", 255, 0, 255);
spr_t[6].init("gfx/t7.bmp", 255, 0, 255);
spr_player[0].init("gfx/left2.bmp", 255,0,255); //player graphics
spr_player[1].init("gfx/right2.bmp", 255,0,255);
spr_player2[0].init("gfx/Rleft.bmp", 255,0,255); //player graphics
spr_player2[1].init("gfx/Rright.bmp", 255,0,255);
spr_background.init("gfx/bg.bmp"); //background
font.init("gfx/font0.bmp"); //font
//---------------- init the game variables ----------------
tileset[0].type = t_nonsolid; tileset[0].spr = NULL;
tileset[1].type = t_solid; tileset[1].spr = NULL;
tileset[2].type = t_solid; tileset[2].spr = &spr_t[0];
tileset[3].type = t_solid; tileset[3].spr = &spr_t[1];
tileset[4].type = t_nonsolid; tileset[4].spr = &spr_t[2];
tileset[5].type = t_sloperight; tileset[5].spr = &spr_t[3];
tileset[6].type = t_slopeleft; tileset[6].spr = &spr_t[4];
tileset[7].type = t_solid; tileset[7].spr = &spr_t[5];
tileset[8].type = t_solid; tileset[8].spr = &spr_t[6];
//initialize the map, the player has already been initialized by its constructor
printf("\nhere comes the game loop...\n") ;
done = false;
//---------------- game loop ----------------
while (!done){
framestart = SDL_GetTicks();
//handle messages
case SDL_QUIT:
done = true;
if(keystates[SDLK_ESCAPE]) //quit?
done = true;
//---------------- update objects (game logic) ----------------
//---------------- draw everything (render the scene) ----------------
int sdx = (scroll_x%spr_background.getWidth());
int sdy = (scroll_y%spr_background.getHeight());
spr_background.draw(-sdx, - sdy);
spr_background.draw(spr_background.getWidth() - sdx, -sdy);
spr_background.draw(- sdx, spr_background.getHeight()-sdy);
spr_background.draw(spr_background.getWidth() - sdx, spr_background.getHeight()-sdy);
//the info text
font.drawf(0,0, "fps: frame/real/lock: %.1f/%.1f/%.1f", framefps, fps, (float)(1000 / WAITTIME));
//---------------- that's it, now flip the buffers and keep the framerate constant ----------------
divisor = SDL_GetTicks()-framestart;
if(divisor != 0)
framefps = (float)( 1000 / divisor ); //this is the framerate without vsync and the frame break
fps = 1111.11f;
SDL_Flip(screen); //double buffering -> flip buffers, also waits for vsync
while((SDL_GetTicks()-framestart) < WAITTIME); //framebreak - keep framerate constant at 1000/WAITTIME fps
divisor = SDL_GetTicks()-framestart;
if(divisor != 0)
fps = (float)( 1000 / (SDL_GetTicks()-framestart) ); //this is the framerate with vsync and the framebreak (should be equal to 1000/WAITTIME)
fps = 1111.11f;
return 0;