please halp me!!!!!
do do this program..... <EMAIL SNIPPED>
To write a C language program that implements the main functions of maintenance of student information. To maintain student information must be used on a list of njedrejtimore. Each node of the list will be used to store the data of only one student: Name, Student No, average.
Your program must perform the following functions:

• To add a new student.
• ask if there is a student in the list (by name, surname, or no to the student).
• To display the data of a student.
• ranked by average their student.
• To display all ranked by average students.////


jonsca commented: Make your own thread -1

please halp me!!!!!
do do this program..... <EMAIL SNIPPED>

a) create your own thread for your request.
b) specify how much you will be paying for this program.

This is my program but a can't find how to sort by average...!!!!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX 10
typedef struct teDhena
    char emri[30];
    char mbiemri[30];
    char nrTel[15];
    char email[40];
    char www[40];

typedef struct list
    Person info;
    struct list *next;
}*Lista,*head, *visit;

void fillim();
void hapesire();
void fut(Lista *, Person);
void vizualizim(Lista);
void vizualizim2(Lista);
int kerko(Lista, char *);
void modifiko(Lista *, int, Person);
void fshij(Lista *, int);
void llist_bubble_sort(void);
void llist_print(Lista *p,Person ); 
    int op, a, b;
    Person pr;
    Lista myList = NULL, t;
    char em[30], mbi[30],tel[15], mail[40], web[40];
    char em1[30], mbi1[30], tel1[15], mail1[40], web1[40];//perdoren tek skedari
    FILE *skd;

        scanf("%d", &op);

        if(op == 1)
            printf("Fut emrin: ");
            scanf("%s", em);
            printf("Fut mbiemrin: ");
            scanf("%s", mbi);
            printf("Fut celularin: ");
            scanf("%s", tel);
            printf("Fut e-mail: ");
            scanf("%s", mail);
            printf("Fut adresen www: ");
            scanf("%s", web);
            strcpy(pr.emri, em);
            strcpy(pr.mbiemri, mbi);
            strcpy(pr.nrTel, tel);
            strcpy(, mail);
            strcpy(pr.www, web);
            fut(&myList, pr);
            printf("Rekordi u shtua me sukses!\n\n");
            printf("Shtyp nje numer cfaredo per te kryer nje zgjedhje tjeter: ");

            scanf("%d", &a);
        else if(op == 2)
            printf("Shtyp nje numer cfaredo per te kryer nje zgjedhje tjeter: ");
            scanf("%d", &a);
        else if(op == 3)
            printf("Fut emrin e personit, rekordin e te cilit do te modifikosh: ");
            scanf("%s", em);
            b = kerko(myList, em);
            if(b == 0)
                printf("Nuk ekziston asnje rekord me kete emer!\n");
                printf("Shtyp nje numer cfaredo per te kryer nje zgjedhje tjeter: ");
                scanf("%d", &a);
                printf("Fut emrin: ");
                scanf("%s", em);
                printf("Fut mbiemrin: ");
                scanf("%s", mbi);
                printf("Fut celularin: ");
                scanf("%s", tel);
                printf("Fut e-mail: ");
                scanf("%s", mail);
                printf("Fut adresen www: ");
                scanf("%s", web);
                strcpy(pr.emri, em);
                strcpy(pr.mbiemri, mbi);
                strcpy(pr.nrTel, tel);
                strcpy(, mail);
                strcpy(pr.www, web);
                modifiko(&myList, b, pr);
                printf("Rekordi u modifikua me sukses!\n");
                printf("Shtyp nje numer cfaredo per te kryer nje zgjedhje tjeter: ");
                scanf("%d", &a);

        else if(op == 4)
            printf("Fut emrin e personit, rekordin e te cilit do te fshish: ");
            scanf("%s", em);
            b = kerko(myList, em);
            if(b == 0)
                printf("Nuk ekziston asnje rekord me kete emer!\n");
                printf("Shtyp nje numer cfaredo per te kryer nje zgjedhje tjeter: ");
                scanf("%d", &a);
                fshij(&myList, b);
                printf("Rekordi u fshi me sukses!\n");
                printf("Shtyp nje numer cfaredo per te kryer nje zgjedhje tjeter: ");
                scanf("%d", &a);
        else if(op == 5)
            skd = fopen("skedar.txt", "w");
            if(skd == NULL)
                printf("Gabim: Skedari nuk mund te hapet!\n");
                printf("Shtyp nje numer cfaredo per te kryer nje zgjedhje tjeter: ");
                scanf("%d", &a);
                t = myList;
                while(t != NULL)
                    fprintf(skd, "%s %s %s %s %s", (t->info).emri,
                        (t->info).mbiemri, (t->info).nrTel,
                        (t->info).email, (t->info).www);
                    t = t -> next;
                    if(t != NULL)
                        fprintf(skd, "\n");
                printf("Rekordet u ruajten ne skedar me sukses!\n");
                printf("Shtyp nje numer cfaredo per te kryer nje zgjedhje tjeter: ");
                scanf("%d", &a);
        else if(op == 6)
            skd = fopen("skedar.txt", "r");
            if(skd == NULL)
                printf("Gabim: Skedari nuk mund te hapet!\n");
                printf("Shtyp nje numer cfaredo per te kryer nje zgjedhje tjeter: ");
                scanf("%d", &a);
                printf("Emri        Mbiemri        Nr. tel       Email            Adrese WWW\n\n");
                    fscanf(skd, "%s%s%s%s%s", em1, mbi1, tel1, mail1, web1);
                    printf("%s", em1);
                    printf("%14s", mbi1);
                    printf("%14s", tel1);
                    printf("%14s", mail1);
                    printf("%17s\n", web1);
                printf("Shtyp nje numer cfaredo per te kryer nje zgjedhje tjeter: ");
                scanf("%d", &a);

        else if(op == 7)

            printf("************* THE END *****************\n");
            return 0;
            printf("Gabim: duhet te fusesh nje numer nga 1 ne 7\n");
            printf("Shtyp nje numer cfaredo per te kryer nje zgjedhje tjeter: ");
            scanf("%d", &a);


void fillim()

    printf("\nZgjidh  nje nga opsionet e meposhtme\n");

    printf("1.  Shto nje rekord te ri.\n");
    printf("2.  Vizualizo rekordet ekzistuese.\n");
    printf("3.  Modifiko nje rekord.\n");
    printf("4.  Fshij nje skedar.\n");
    printf("5.  Ruaj rekordet e shtuara ne nje skedar.\n");
    printf("6.  Vizualizo rekordet e ruajtura ne skedar.\n");
    printf("7.  Dil nga programmi.\n\n");
    printf("Zgjidh nje operazion(dhe shtyp enter): ");

void hapesire()

void fut(Lista *p, Person x)
    Lista s;
    s = (Lista)malloc(sizeof(struct list));
    s -> info = x;
    s -> next = *p;
    *p = s;

void vizualizim(Lista p)

    printf("Emri        Mbiemri        Nr. tel       E-mail            Adrese WWW\n\n");
    while (p != NULL)
        printf("%s", (p -> info).emri);
        printf("%14s", (p -> info).mbiemri);
        printf("%14s", (p -> info).nrTel);
        printf("%14s", (p -> info).email);
        printf("%17s\n", (p -> info).www);
        p = p -> next;

void vizualizim2(Lista p)

    while (p != NULL)
        printf("%s\n", (p -> info).emri);
        printf("%s\n", (p -> info).mbiemri);
        printf("%s\n", (p -> info).nrTel);
        printf("%s\n", (p -> info).email);
        printf("%s\n\n", (p -> info).www);
        p = p -> next;

int kerko(Lista p, char *mail)
    int i = 1;

    while(p != NULL)
        if(strcmp((p -> info).email, mail) == 0)
            return i;
            p = p -> next;
            i = i + 1;
    return 0;

void modifiko(Lista *p, int b, Person pr)
    int i = 1;
    Lista s = *p;

    while(i != b)
        i = i + 1;
        s = s -> next;

    s -> info = pr;

void fshij(Lista *p, int x)
    Lista k = *p, t;
    int i = 1;

    if (x == 1)
        *p = (*p) -> next;
        while (i != x)
            t = k;
            k = k -> next;
        t -> next = k -> next;
void llist_print(Lista *p,Person x)
 Lista k = head;

 while(visit != NULL) {
  printf("%d ", visit->Person);
  visit = visit->next;
void llist_bubble_sort(void)
 struct list *a = NULL;
 struct list *b = NULL; 
 struct list *c = NULL;
 struct list *e = NULL; 
 struct list *tmp = NULL; 

 // the `c' list precedes the `a' and `e' node 
 // pointing up the node to which the comparisons
 // are being made. 
 while(e != head->next) {
 c = a = head;
 b = a->next;
  while(a != e) {
   if(a->Person> b->Person) {
    if(a == head) {
     tmp = b -> next;
     b->next = a;
     a->next = tmp;
     head = b;
     c = b;
    } else {
     tmp = b->next;
     b->next = a;
     a->next = tmp;
     c->next = b;
     c = b;
   } else {
    c = a;
    a = a->next;
   b = a->next;
   if(b == e)
    e = a;

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