
Could anybody help me to register the .OCX controls.
I am new to vb and when i am trying to open an sample
database i am getting the following error:

Crystl32.ocx could not be loaded

How this problem can solved?

Thanks in advance for any help.


Basically you need a crystal reports file for this to work. It may or may not be legal for the author of the software to supply you with this file (depends on what license of Crystal Reports he has). If you do manage to get hold of the file read this http://www.iamnotageek.com/a/111-p1.php and it will tell you how to register it.

Right. Ocx's need to be registered just like a .dll or some other componant (you can use regsvr32 to register .dll's and ocx's.), but as pointed out above, the liscence might be limited.

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